Christmas, the EU draft: “Assessment of the harvest ban.” The Regions’ proposal for the Dpcm: yes to move between areas of the same color


First Christmas with the coronavirus is the subject of debate in Italy as well as in the rest ofEurope. Today the Regions met to take stock of New measures in view of Christmas holidays, from moves to vacancies, from bans to curfews: in particular, governors ask that the interregional movements between zones with the same color. If he government However, he seems willing to maintain a hard line, the drive for larger openings also collides with the recommendations arriving from Brussels. In the guidelines to be published Wednesday on anti-Covid measures for Christmas, the European Comission recommends that you consider “not allowing celebration of masses“. In particular, he asks” to consider avoiding religious ceremonies with large gatherings, replacing them with online initiatives, in TV or there radio“.

Requests from the Regions – The Regions met today, in streaming, to search understanding in guidelines bring government table tomorrow, when you meet with the Minister for Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, Health, Roberto Speranza, the commissioner Domenico Arcuri and the head of Civil Protection, Angelo borrelli. A common document which summarizes the requests of the different governors in the new dpcm, valid from December 4th, with the provisions to regulate the Christmas period. the ban on gathering will have to be the “cardinal principle” on which to center the new Dpcm, which in the intentions of the Regions should also foresee the border closure in Alps. The conference also received an invitation from the government to authorize interregional travel between zones with the same color, although the intention of Palazzo Chigi seems to be to ban them from December 19 or 20 until the Befana. “We believe that one Yellow region and another yellow, between one rossa and another red, we must be able to move since the virus circulates in the same way. Based on the principle ofcommunicating vessels we will ask the government to allow interregional travel, “explained the president of Liguria, Giovanni toti.

The Brussels guidelines – In the document circulated in the last hours, and that could it still changes Until the final go-ahead, the European Commission insists instead on the need to continue on the path of social distancing and of More expensive, advising to keep the curfew, even on the occasion of the last of the year. The suggestion is to spend the holidays on behalf of “caution” and of “caution”To avoid a resurgence of infections. As the president said Ursula von der Leyen repeatedly, “we must avoid the mistakes” of the summer. The indication of a late return to school of a week, to create a buffer period when returning from vacation. The Community Executive will not enter into the question of winter sports. “The powers of Brussels are limited, it is stressed, and are decisions that are the responsibility of the Member States.” However, the Commission urges “coordination“And” mutual information “between countries, especially between neighbors, also to avoid difficulties in border areas.

Zingaretti against those who want to reopen – “To those who say ‘we reopen everything’ I answer ‘to err is human, to persevere is diabolical.’ And I mean the next measures that the government will have to dictate between Few daysWrite on Facebook Nicola Zingaretti. The president of the Lazio region and the number one of the Democratic Party reminds his colleagues that “only in November were they in Italy more than 16 thousand victims of Covid. Now the curve descends only thanks to rules containment and behavior of people. Another explosion of contagion, due to the underestimation of risk, it would be a blow to the economy and employment, one slap in the face of people’s suffering, to the memory of the victims and an insult to the commitment of health workers ”. “We have to look for measures that avoid the den frees everyone: for the Christmas period it is necessary limit the movements“, It is also the position of the president of Emilia-Romagna, Stefano bonaccini.

Toti insists on reviewing the parameters – His words and those of Zingaretti are clearly directed to those rulers who more than others they push to ease restrictions before the holiday season. Among these is precisely All, which also insists on the need to review i criteria assign territories to different risk bands red, orange and yellow: this is the model that allowed back the tendency of infections and at the same time avoid a generalized blockage. “The Regions reiterate that it is not only necessary simplify but also to qualify the decision-making process, that is, knowing how parameters are interpreted, how much they weigh in the decision-making process and basically being part of it, ”said Toti. According to the governor, “it is necessary shorten times, make more up-to-date decisions and also shorten the exit mechanism from the red to orange or orange to yellow zone, which in the current dpcm refers to a 21 days calendar. We believe we can do it FasterToti said in the daily press point.

No to meetings and border closures – “It turns out according to the Regions not very convincing that in some activities a involuntary reunion, and the reference is to the photos that appeared in the newspapers on the main streets of the shopping – Toti stressed – and at the same time other activities that may come together are prohibited they create less. Keep in mind that other measures are needed that are correct, fair and equitable“. Regarding skiing, the Regions“ have wondered about the possible closure Gods national borders to prevent our audience from going skiing Switzerland, Slovenia or AustriaToti added. Pending talks with the Government on the new Dpcm, the Regions have also evaluated the possibility of “reopening the ski facilities only for hotel guests and owners of second homes, in order to partially compensate the lifts and ski resorts. “. too Luca zaia, while confirming “what collaborative spirit“With which the Regions will face the confrontation with the Government, he hopes that” gods will be established pillars and cascading there will be measurements. Starting from the fact that ‘you do, you don’t’ does not seem like a good method of work. I think health comes first, don’t say this administration has to deal with a calculator. ” However, the line of Palazzo Chigi remains that of the caution because you can’t go wrong like it happened in summer. “December can allow us to put unsafety across the country, thus crossing the vaccination campaign“Explains Minister Boccia that, referring to the proposal of the president of Liguria Toti, to create a ‘white zone’, admits:” We all dream about that “but”Between few moths“.
