With the latest decree law, the government has provided an additional package of snacks for the activities most affected by the Christmas crisis: here is who will be able to access the subsidy.
by Celestina Dominelli
With the latest decree law, the government has provided an additional package of snacks for the activities most affected by the Christmas crisis: here is who will be able to access the subsidy.
2 ‘reading
To counteract the effects of the new closures introduced with the latest decree law, the government has provided a snack package for catering companies that will be particularly affected by the Christmas crisis. It is a non-refundable subsidy for a maximum of 455 million in 2020 and 190 million for 2021 for subjects who, on the date of entry into force of the provision issued by the executive, have an active VAT number and declare “to perform as the main activity one of those referring to the ateco codes “indicated in the annex to the decree law. The contribution, clarifies article 2 of the Legislative Decree, is not due to the subjects who have activated the VAT number as of December 1 2020.
The activities that can access the contribution
The contribution will be owed exclusively to those who have already benefited from the non-refundable subsidy referred to in article 25 of Legislative Decree 34 of 2020 (the “Relaunch” decree), who have not returned the soft drink itself and are paid by the Tax Agency through direct credit to the bank or postal current account to which the previous contribution was paid. The amount to be paid is the same as previously insured, the value of which, as it will be recalled, was determined on the basis of the decrease in billing and rates in April 2020 compared to April 2019. The amount of the contribution does not is can exceed 150 thousand euros.
Sanctions and controls
Regarding sanctions and controls, the provisions of the Relaunch Decree remain valid and the contribution is recognized in the Temporary Framework for State Aid (the so-called Temporary Framework) in support of the economy in the current anticipated emergency of Covid-19. by the European Commission. In support of the measure, the decree establishes that the Ministry of Economy may resort to cash advances.
Who is entitled to soft drinks
Here are the categories that can access the refreshment points with their respective codes:
561011 – Catering with administration
561012 – Farm-related restoration activities
561020 – Catering without administration with take away food preparation
561030 – Ice cream and pastry shops |
561041 – Mobile ice cream parlors and pastry shops
561042 – Mobile Catering
561050 – Catering on trains and boats
562100 – Catering for events, banquets
562910 – People
562920 – Continuous catering by contract |
563000 – Bars and other similar establishments without kitchen