the system to zone “it worked” but the situation “remains hard throughout Europe “and the virus “It continues to circulate everywhere.” Even among the experts of the Scientific technical committee “there’s a major concern for ‘soaring in the Christmas period “for the meetings “Linked to the generalized, even understandable, desire for sociality.” Therefore, the measurements are “Necessary” to “better protect ourselves” in view of the “resumption of activities a January”. But the decree law “offers a breakeven between the grip that we must put in place and thesocial importance that he festivity to have “.
Giuseppe Conte so motivates the new decree law that toughens the measures provided by December 3 for the holiday season, in the light of a contagion rate Rt which shows a first, new upward movement and a stable number of cases compared to last week. “We will move – he emphasizes – always on a scientific basis.” Therefore it will be Red zone in Holidays me before the holidays Between Dec. 24 and the Jan 6, while the December 28-29-30 and the January 4th all Italy will be orange zone (read all measurements). Therefore, shops will be closed for 10 days, while bars and restaurants will be forced to close for the entire period, excluding theto carry out and the delivery.
A “More sacrifice” which the prime minister says he “understands.” That is why, he explains, “whoever suffers gods economic damage it must be restored immediately ”. And he announces: “We have a immediate refreshment by 645 million for bars and restaurants, will receive the 100% of what has already been received based on Relaunch Decree “. With new Soft drink decree “a January we will compensate the losses by other operators on which we cannot intervene immediately. “New economic measures also for those who are not included in the funds already available, he adds, will be included in the Budget law, in which he emphasizes that he is working “with contribution also from opposition forces “.
Conte also looks at the next few weeks, marked by the dates that will lead to the start of vaccination campaign: “We are facing the end of this nightmare, we approach the December 27 when in italy as in others European countries It will be the first day of vaccines – he announces – We must find in this certainty the strength to close this bad chapter together and do not lower the attention threshold “. The government, he reiterated, does not intend to imposerequired of the vaccine, but “it will be tested by international health institutions, it will be a Of courseIt will be offered to all and we hope that all are prepared to do so.
The day after the end of the red zone for the holidays is the one we set. schools reopening. “You know that this government cares especially full recovery of face-to-face activities in schools, even for our older students, ”for secondary schools, the premier said. “We have planned a recovery of the face-to-face teaching starting January 7. We are working hard – he assured – Only tonight, on a break from cabinet, the ministers concerned – Azzolina, De Micheli and Boccia – informed me that the tables of the prefectures they work very well on average. “
The strategy, he continued, is “to create a complete synergy “ and it is “difficult to integrate the school transportation with different schedules and the needs of individual realities. Doing it nationally was impossible, so we are trying to do it territorial level with all local authorities who are participating in these tables. That is why we have confidence in the recovery in presence, avoiding that they can be created input mechanisms that can create critical problems. “