Leaf and tail Milan a Torino, until Rome, the first Sunday in which the shops. Thus, Christmas shopping immediately provokes the reaction of politicians and scientists. For the President of the Piedmont Region, Alberto Cirio, “What happened yesterday in Turin” is “unacceptable”. The crowd that filled the city center on the first day of reopening Gods shops, after almost a month of emergency shutdown to contain the infection, it ends up on the table Order and Security Committee with the prefect, scheduled for the day. The comment of the Minister of Regional Affairs is also harsh Francesco Boccia: “IT IS inevitable that when companies reopen there is a desire to return, the reaction is natural – he said Rainews24 – but what cannot be natural is not respecting the rules ”. While the CTS coordinator, Agostino Miozzosuggests: “I wonder: why if in Via del Corso in Rome or in the shopping streets of other cities there are too many people, no action is taken and no closed number? – he says The messenger – I find it difficult to explain that it is necessary to limit displacements between Regions if you accept that, for Christmas purchases, there are meetings on the street or in shopping centers “.
“Bad very bad” the crowd scenes for the Under Secretary of Health, Sandra Zampa. “It’s enough baffling – feedback to the microphones of Radio24 – that people have so much trouble understanding gravity of the situation and the fact that these situations depend on behaviors of each one of us. “” We are all tied to virtuous behavior at the moment. I understand that you have to go shopping, but I don’t think that if they all go the same day it will improve. And above all, when you see that there is such a situation, or you change zones or you go home and send back. This is not a good sign, it is not comforting. “
“I have made a specific order to discipline the malls, for the detection of temperature cast amazing of the entrances – he adds – then, where I could intervene with regional ordinances I did, but what I saw yesterday in some streets of Turin reminds meestate and we cannot afford this. ” To do this, Cirio announces: “I will ask the prefect of Turin Very rigorous interventions, I know that a lot has already been done, that the police have committed themselves but obviously not enough ”.
Faced with images of shopping streets, the infectious disease specialist Massimo galli stresses that “it is evident” that “if the precautions we will only be able to review a situation similar to the one we have already experienced ”, that is, to reach a new shot of contagion. “It is fatal that this is the case”says the chief doctor of the Sacco hospital in Milan, warning that “we still have many viruses circulating.” Too much, across the country, “thinking of going back to a free all just had a hint of result “from restrictions arranged against the second wave. As to Color change taken on Sunday in the Regions gives Red they became orange, the transition from a risk range for the other “it is not a merit. It is not a competition ”, warns the infectious disease specialist. In the political debate, Galli observes, “the point seems to be changing color.” Instead, it should be “keep the situation long term as long as possible out of danger of a recovery ”from the wave of infections.
“I am perfectly aware of the needs of the economy and trade – specifies the doctor – but the greeting of the population is a major problem and the country’s economic recovery is also measured by the ability to contain and limit the damage constantly caused by the epidemic. “He then underlines:” If we were to fall fully into a situation like the one we have already experienced for the second time, and this happens as probable before we can intervene with a vaccine cash, I think that everything that is said in terms of defense of the economy would also suffer hurt “.