This is how Verona was presented on Sunday, December 13 (photo Marchiori)
«It seems clear to me that we are no longer afraid of dying. I am not in favor of a police state, but it should be clear to everyone that certain behaviors have consequences. Despite the yellow zone, I adopted an ordinance that closed the large and medium sales structures on Saturdays, all stores on Sundays and required one customer for every 20 square meters. But the point is that Veneto, like the other regions, has accepted the national classification. Made not by the broom club, but by Professor Brusaferro’s Higher Health Institute, which enjoys my esteem. So the governor of Veneto Luca Zaia about him “Corriere della Sera”.
“Our peak of hospitalizations in the confinement was on April 4 with 2,028 hospitalized – he points out – today we are 3,244 hospitalized. In intensive, the peak was 356 people, today we are at 369 ». What’s going on? “You see it in all the news: this weekend the Italian cities have been assaulted. To stay in Veneto, the mayor of Treviso, Marco Conte, had to close the course in the middle of the afternoon because it turned out that, in a city of 80,000 inhabitants, there were more than 50,000 strolling through the center at that time.
«Today, for some, Covid is a hospital problem, is the sad part of the story – he points out – and then let’s face it: there is a repulsive and repulsive culture according to which this is the disease of the elderly. But those over 70 have the right to live like everyone else. Wouldn’t an additional restriction be appropriate? “Today I will meet with the mayors of all the provincial capitals to assess the situation. It seems really strange to me to have to do an ordinance for something that is already provided by law. So should you make an ordinance to say respect the law? “
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Covid, Zaia: «March hospitalizations have been exceeded. It is useless to count the phases, before the summer it will not go away ». New ordinance
ASSEMBLIES OUT OF CONTROL. Yesterday on Facebook also the group of the council of the Democratic Party of Veneto had raised the alarm. Yesterday can only cause great concern. In a scenario that already sees Veneto in great difficulties in terms of infections and victims, the concentrations registered in the main cities are alarming signs of a situation that manifests itself outside
control “.« Calls for citizen responsibility by President Zaia are no longer enough – continue the Democrats. It is clear that in the face of an increasingly serious situation, clear measures and ordinances are needed, which are not “disposable” to the a few days and that they give a precise message to the public: Veneto can no longer afford to stay in the face of a bulletin – they conclude – that marks one hundred deaths a day.
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Crowds downtown for holiday shopping and snacks. There is also the “cash back” effect