Rome, December 22, 2020 – First of all: theCovid self-certification for the holidays of Christmas it is less complex than one might fear. And already here, you can breathe a sigh of relief. As clarifies (not much) the Conte decree, in the days of Christmas me New Year (and regardless of whether it is Red zone OR orange zone) you can write (between the reasons for displacements) let’s make one visit friends and family. Once a day, a maximum of two people, and as long as the house of the person we came from is in the same region where we are (yes, in this case we can also move between different municipalities). Later we will see in detail what we have to write in the document, meanwhile it is expected that for privacy reasons we will not have to put a pencil on paper and therefore communicate to the police the name (or names) of the people we want to visit. However, we will have to write the destination address of our move. It will be the responsibility of the authorities to verify that the information we enter is true.
Traveling at Christmas: when can I leave my municipality
Christmas self-certification in PDF
Visit family or friends at Christmas
In the red zone (and therefore from December 24 to 27, 2020; December 31; January 1 to 3, 2021; January 5 and 6, 2021) self-certification must always be carried with you. Since the rule is: you cannot move even within the municipality – and therefore also outside of it – except for health, work, necessity reasons. However (here is the novelty of the Christmas decree), it will be possible to leave the municipality (but not the region) to visit family and friends. A maximum of two people per trip (minors up to 14 years old and the disabled are not included in the count), once a day (do not worry about going home because the return to your residence, home or address is always and We highlight Always allowed).
Red zone at Christmas: which stores are open
Movements in the red zone
Note: the things written in parentheses below correspond to what is written in the self-certification.
– name and surname (the undersigned …);
– place and date of birth (born on …; on …);
– residential address (resident in …; street …);
– address (and address at …; street …);
– identity document, or identity card, driver’s license, passport or others (identified by means);
– Identity document number (nr …);
– the municipality or another that gave us the document (issued by …);
– the date we took the document (on …);
– mobile number (phone number …).
After we have filled in the first self-certification fields (the ones at the top for clarity), we now have to make an x in the reason of our displacement. If we travel to visit friends and family, we must check the following box:
– Other reasons allowed by current regulations or by the decrees, ordinances and other provisions mentioned above that define the measures to prevent the spread of infection.
And then we have to write in the empty space below (the one below the words “specify the reason that determines the move”) “Visit to relatives” in case you go to a relative, or “Visit to friends” in the other case allowed. It is not necessary, we remember, to write the name of the person. In fact, we are not obligated to do so for privacy reasons. In the event that, at the time of the control, the police ask us who we are going to, we can generally answer verbally (after having written it in the document) “from a friend”, “from a relative”. Then, the authorities must verify that the destination address entered by us corresponds to the reason “visit a friend / relative”.
Note: these “other permitted reasons”, in addition to visiting friends and family, include shopping, physical activities (which, however, must be done near your home and individually), religious celebrations (to go to Mass CEI recommended -recommend, do not impose – get to the church closest to where we are.
Anyway, let’s get on with the stuff to write after specifying the reason for the move in the document.
– start address (from which the movement started …);
– arrival address (with destination …);
– other notes (regarding the move, you also declare that …)
Visit family or friends in the orange zone.
In the orange zone (and therefore on December 28, 29, 30, 2020 and January 4, 2021) since you can move freely within your municipality (unlike the red zone in which you must also certify the movements within the municipality), you must carry the self-certification when we leave the municipality. With the usual reasons of health, work, urgency, to which is added the motivation to visit family or friends. We recall the rules for this last type of visit: only one visit per day, maximum two people (minors up to 14 years old and the disabled are not included in the calculation), and provided that the house of the person from whom we left is in the same region in which we are located.
About what to write in the self-certification, we refer to the previous chapter, the one related to the red zone. We have to write and motivate the move in exactly the same way.
The novelty of the Conte decree on movements in the orange zone is the following: those who live in small towns, or those with less than 5,000 inhabitants (to find out what the reference population is, just do a Google search “number of inhabitants + the name of the municipality) you can also move to another region (this is the last news announced yesterday, Monday, December 21, 2020), provided that the transfer is made within 30 km of your residence and provided that the destination is not a province capital.
Last note: remember that self-certification should always be with you even during curfew (10 am to 5 am and on New Years Day from 10 am to 7 am).
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