Christmas, Pope Francis: “Every discarded person is a child of God. Let us not cry over ourselves, let us help those who suffer”


The love of Jesus“Disarmed and disarmed, he reminds us that the time we have is not used to cry for ourselves, but to comfort the tears of those who suffer. God installs himself close to us, poor and needy, to tell us that serving the poor we will love him ”. the Father celebrate mass the night of Christmas, in advance, in compliance with the curfew imposed by the pandemic. Bergoglio presides over Mass atAltar of the Chair of St. Peter’s Basilica, in a completely different atmosphere, to rigid rules anti COVID-19. In Basilica less than two hundred faithful admitted, in limited number, with masks and safety distance. Even tomorrow the traditional blessing City and world will not be held by Lodge with the presence of the faithful but in the Hall of Blessings from where the Pope’s message will be transmitted in streaming to the whole world.

“The Son of God He was born discarded to tell us that every discarded child is a child of God. He came into the world as a child comes into the world, weak and fragile, so that we can accept our weaknesses with tenderness – he said Bergoglio in his homily -. Also with us, God loves to do great things through our poverty. He has put all our salvation in the manger of a stable and does not fear our poverty: let his mercy transform our miseries! ”. And the Pope, in a passage, also quotes Emily Dickinson: “For tonight, as one poet wrote, ‘God’s residence is next to mine. Furniture is love. ‘ Then he encourages the faithful: “Sister, brother, do not be discouraged. You are tempted to feel bad? God tells you: ‘No, you are mine son! ‘Do you have the feeling of not doing it, the fear of being inadequate, the fear of not leaving the tunnel of trials? God tells you: ‘Value, I’m with you”.

the Father then reflect with pain in the many injustices in the world and invites believers to an examination of awareness, calling to pay attention to worldly attitudes: “How many times do we feed life with food that does not feed and leaves the emptiness inside! It is true: insatiable to have, we throw ourselves into many mangers of vanity, forgetting the manger of Belen. That mangiatoiaPoor in everything and rich in love, he teaches that the food of life is to allow oneself to be loved by God and to love others. Jesus gives us the example: He, the Word of God, is an infant; he does not speak, but offers his life ”. That is why the thrust to those who preach solidarity but then do not put it into practice: “We talk a lot, but many times we are illiterate about goodness.”

While waiting for the message of the day of Christmas, which is traditionally an opportunity to focus on the worst hit areas of the planet, today the Father He wanted to send his message to two countries in particular that are suffering: the Lebanon and the Sudan South. He spoke of the “pain” with which he follows the events of the Land of Cedars and assured that he intends to visit the Lebanon “as soon as possible”. He then launched a new appeal to the international community: “Let’s help the Lebanon to stay out of regional conflicts and tensions. Let’s help him to come out of the serious crisis and recover ”.

To the politicians of Sudan South, in a letter written together with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin welby, and to the Moderator of the Church of Scotland, the rev. Martin Fair, calls for progress in the peace process, launched in 2019 with the meeting in Vatican. Some steps have been taken “but know that it is not enough for your people,” admonish the religious leaders who renew their commitment to visit the African country when the situation allows.
