Christmas, lunch and dinner at risk of infection ?: 14 rules to follow to stay at the table safely


The main recommendation, beyond the provisions of the last Christmas decree, For him lunch and the Dinner December 25 is just one: stay home as long as possible. The last decree-law grants the possibility of leaving the Municipality itself (but not the Region) to go to the second home or to visit family members me friends at most once a day and a maximum of two people, possibly accompanied by children or young people under 14 years of age.


The possibility of receiving family or friends for dinner, even if they are few, makes this occasion of coexistence a possible means of spreading the infection. Therefore, it is good to take some precautions especially for families who are lucky enough to be with their grandparents. “Precautions start from the elevator – says Professor Carlo Signorelli from San Raffaele in Milan – It is better not to take it or use it one by one”. Once in the apartment it is convenient take off shoes and remember to always keep your distance. No hugs, therefore, and less handshakes. The bathroom is dangerous too: guests are better off using their own towels. The place where you eat should be ventilated frequently, at least every half hour. «Another mandatory rule – emphasizes Signorelli – is not to share plates, glasses and cutlery. Toast prohibited and they all hold their glass tightly. “Finally, pay attention also to the mobile phone that should be kept clean and never lent to ears other than our own when greeting distant relatives.

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But here are the 14 rules that even experts recommend following for a safe table.

1. Ventilate the room. The exchange of air in the places where we are is essential. One of the solutions that can guarantee this, preventing it from getting too cold, may be to leave a window ajar during lunches and dinners.

2. Exchanging greetings. The pandemic has taught greeting without contact. Bandits hugs and kisses associated with “Merry Christmas”. On the other hand, gestures that allow distancing are promoted, such as bringing the hand to the heart or holding hands “in the form of a prayer.”

3. The distancing at the table. If you have an “extendable” table it is a good idea to use it as much as possible, trying to respect a pattern of one meter distance between diners.

Four. Promiscuity at the table. Any form of promiscuous sharing of cutlery, plates and glasses should be avoided.

5. The toast. Don’t “cheer up” by making the glasses touch each other.

6. Greetings by phone. It is best to avoid handing over the phone to congratulate a distant cousin or uncle.

7. Personal hygiene. It is a good rule of thumb (as always) to wash your hands before eating. The operation, as it should be, cannot be superficial and must be carried out for a long time, thoroughly cleaning the folds of the hands, nails, fingers. In the bathroom each guest can find their own towel.

8. The mask. It should always be kept and only removed when sitting down to eat. Sitting at the table and chatting does not make you immune to infection and it is no exception.

9. In the home. The space should also be maintained when sitting on the sofa or chair.

10. How many people the house? To move from home, according to the Dpcm you can go to eat with family members in two, to which must be added children under 14 years of age or non-self-sufficient disabled people. If the family is large and you have three children, you cannot have a “table” all together.

eleven. The seasonings of the dishes. It is a good rule to avoid that the “boosters” of salt, pepper, oil and chilli are not ordered with dispensers and bottles to pass to the table. The use of “single dose” is a measure against contagion.

12. The curfew. It is possible to travel once a day, between 5 and 22, to go to private homes. The move is valid for a single home and therefore it is not possible to visit more relatives going from house to house.

13. The songs. Singing can be a way to spread more the famous “droplets” in the air, the droplets that leave the body while speaking. It would be good, therefore, to postpone the poem or the song of the grandchildren.

14. Gifts. The classic gift exchange ceremony can be an occasion to break the distancing, so it should pay special attention.

Last updated: 16:32 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED
