Will close the Christmas of the Italians, the possibility of a new blockade opens in the coming weeks. The 846 deaths of yesterday still require reflections on the feared Christmas holidays.
From many sectors, especially virologists, there are certainty about what will be there third wave (in January) as a result of the Christmas period and the relaxation of restrictions. The confinement in Germany (with fewer deaths) is seen by some as an example to adopt, and fears for what could be the Italian post-holidays.
Conte must be fought between the adopted choice (vacation restrictions) and the hard line dear, among others, by Boccia, Franceschini and the hope. Already today you could decide on a general lock in the two weeks of greatest risk, from December 24 to January 6, or stop at the different colors between the Regions, but the whole country in the red zone.
The least strict line could be a orange band on holidays and red on holidays. But there are those who report that the controls, if kept open, would be more complicated.
As to school, it is supposed to advance the start of the holidays to December 21 and the return on January 7 is questioned.
Today a meeting with the executive who could decide the measures to take.