Christmas in Europe, here are the rules in other EU countries


With Christmas at the doorstep, almost all European countries are having specific rules for the holidays and almost all, unlike Italy which has imposed a strong squeeze, relax the restrictions to allow everyone to spend a few days with loved ones.


In Germany, the soft blockade desired by Angela Merkel’s government has been extended until January 10. It means that restaurants, bars and cultural institutions remain closed, while commercial establishments are limited to the number of people admitted at the same time. According to regulations, schools remain open and citizens are not required to stay home, but are encouraged to avoid contact and respect social distancing. In some cases, several municipalities have adopted stricter regulations, given the increase in infections. Slightly different rules have been set for Christmas, so from December 23 to January 1, up to 10 people can be met (excluding children under 14 from the count). As a precautionary measure, the population is invited to observe 5/7 days of isolation before any celebration, to limit the risk of contagion. Public fireworks were banned for New Year’s Eve and also the use of fireworks on the busiest streets. From a travel point of view, there are no restrictions on those arriving from the European Union.


In France, as of December 15, there will be a new lightening of the confinement and a self-certification will no longer be necessary to leave the house during the day, although it will continue to be mandatory during the curfew that remains in force from 21 to 7 in the morning. However, the curfew will be lifted on December 24 and 31 as an exception. As for meetings, the rule that they are allowed with a maximum of six people, excluding children, remains in force. In Capdanno, however, street celebrations will be prohibited and restaurants, bars or clubs will remain closed until January 20. From a travel point of view, travel between Regions like in Italy is prohibited, but entry into the country from other Member States is allowed, and travelers are tested at airports, ports and stations.


In Spain the rules are different in each region. In the Community of Madrid there is a curfew from midnight until the gods in the morning. The closure of bars, restaurants, cinemas, theaters and sports facilities is also set at 24, while for shops a maximum of 22. A limit of 6 people is established for public and private meetings. The local government is considering extending this limit to 10 people on December 24, 25 and 31, as well as January 1 and 6. The curfew on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve could also be reduced from 1:30 a.m. to 6 a.m. Entry into the country is allowed from all Schengen Area countries, but a swab is required within 72 hours prior to entering the country.


Belgium is one of the countries that has taken the hard line due to the large number of cases of conronavirus and that it does not intend to grant relief for the holidays. All kinds of gatherings, including Masses, have been banned and strict rules of physical distancing are maintained, allowing families, even during the Christmas holidays, to invite only a stranger, while those living alone are allowed entry. house a maximum of two people. Anyone entering the country must fill out a questionnaire and can be quarantined for a period of 10 days, the first seven being mandatory and the seventh there is the possibility of taking a test that, if negative, gives the citizen the opportunity to leave.

United Kingdom

Unlike Belgium, the United Kingdom has made the biggest reductions for holidays. a In the days between December 23 and 27, most of the rules on social distancing and confinement will be eliminated for the regions that are in Tier 3, the highest alert level and which is actually like a confinement. In this period, the rule of six will be eliminated and three families / homes without a roof can be reunited by the number of people, but only in private logos, as long as the usual rules remain in force in restaurants. Even the elderly will be able to leave the nursing homes and go celebrate with their families.
