Christmas, hypothesis Italy red zone 24 to 6 holidays and days before holidays. Conte: serve close


Christmas, hypothesis Italy red zone 24 to 6 holidays and days before holidays.  Conte: serve close

Still all pending the closings of Christmas. After the State-Regions Conference and the summit between the prime minister Giuseppe Conte and the majority heads of delegation have not yet found the synthesis. There is little doubt about the fact that we are moving towards more restrictive measures but the discussion, we learned from government sources, is not closed and the government has decided to update itself to allow the participation in the summit also of the representative of Italia Viva, Teresa Bellanova, in these hours of return from Brussels. The time of the new summit has not yet been defined, which at this time could be held between tonight and tomorrow.

As it became known, at the meeting of heads of delegation, PD ministers Dario Franceschini and Francesco Boccia and Roberto Speranza di Leu fought for “red zone” measures between December 24 and January 6, while the line of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, supported by the M5s, would be wiser in wanting a more limited intervention. It would be debating whether to limit closings to only holidays and days before holidays and what to organize for restaurants and bars.

The hypothesis is that a compromise will be reached: red zone on holidays and days before holidays from January 24 to 6, orange zone on other days. It does not squeeze the weekend around the corner, that of December 18 and 19. It will be possible to go from the yellow zone to the yellow zone – almost all of Italy – as has been allowed until now, while the arrival or departure from the orange or red zones will be possible only for residents. The government, in short, would be oriented not to limit movements in the next few hours to avoid the great exodus of the festivities. “The problem is not the trips – explains an authorized government source to Adnkronos – the problem is the dinners and the parties, that’s where you really risk”.

Red zone, Conte: let’s strengthen the Christmas measures

“We are working to try to reinforce the Christmas plan. We must arrive in conditions of maximum resilience. The measures are working so far, but we are concerned – and even the experts – with these social gathering situations in recent days. We will do additional work ”, Conte reiterated during the recording of“ Accordi & Disaccordi ”at Nove.

Conte then added that “there is a great job to come back on January 7 with face-to-face teaching. We have organized tables with the prefects to try to match, with respect to local realities, transport data and entry and exit times to avoid rush hours.

Zampa: it was decided to close a lot

The Undersecretary of Health Sandra Zampa (Pd), guest of Lilli Gruber in Otto e mezzo in La7, went further: “It was decided to close very rigorously, close a lot – she said – Here at the Ministry of Health we proposed to opt for a strict measure that looks a lot like the red light district. It will be a not very happy Christmas, it is true, but it will be calmer because the people we love are safe. Everyone in the government shares the idea of ​​wanting to slow down the curve, but I think that really just it is achieved by applying the color red, because it slows down and then significantly lowers the contagion curve ».

“We had imagined being able to fall below 10,000 infections, but we are not at all below this level. We know that the point that allows a relaxation of the measures, but above all the resumption of important activities such as the reopening of schools, must make the number of infected fall below 10,000 cases a day. We imagine that it is necessary to correct all this exactly as Germany and England did ”, explained Zampa this morning, in an interview with InBlu Radio. “The progression of infections is at supersonic speed,” he added.

Zaia: “We need restrictive measures, decisions will be made shortly”

“We spoke with the ministers about the need for restrictive measures, the topic is next weekend and the Christmas period. I don’t want to anticipate what they will be, now it is a matter of hours, let’s see what the solution will be, “said Governor Luca Zaia after the Government-Regions meeting this morning. “I raised the question of adopting measures like Veneto,” he added, “explaining that you have to understand if the party ends at the national level, otherwise we will adopt them directly, since the weekend is approaching.”

“I did, among other things, presented – added Zaia, referring to the confrontation with the Government – that in January we will have a negative astral situation: the school will open on the 7th, a great vaccination campaign will begin, there is still Covid, there will be the flu syndrome. “” If we get to January 7 where all these factors intersect – he stressed – we will have devastated land and we will not leave it. That is why it is essential to think about restrictions at the national level. “According to Zaia, a measure in this meaning “it will arrive tonight or tomorrow, otherwise we will adopt it independently, before Saturday. A measure must be taken for the first weekend.” “I had an obligation to ask the question – he explained – and some Regions even in the orange zone, they are in my line, because hospitals have a point beyond which you cannot go. In Veneto there are 587 patients in intensive care when, at different times, we had just over 200. I belong to the team that he does not want hospitals to collapse and citizens to continue receiving treatment. “Ema should give her opinion on December 21 and then the process of downloading the vaccines to Veneto will begin. We are ready ”, he reiterated later, announcing that the campaign will begin in the region with around 200 thousand vaccines.

Pfizer vaccine, how to store it? Three options, it must be kept in the refrigerator for 5 days.


Covid, first vaccinated in Texas: “I waited for this moment, it was a difficult year”

Boccia: the zone model works

“The territorial intervention model has worked well and the RT has dropped from 1.7 to the current 0.8 and continues to decline, although health networks need to be increasingly defended and lightened.” This was said by the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, during the government-regions meeting called to give the green light to the vaccination plan and for a consultation on the hypothesis of greater restrictions during the vacation period. The minister said that what was learned remains firm, maintaining the model of territorial interventions also in January.

Last updated: 20:38

