First Giuseppe Conte Follow in Dpcm strokes on the management of Covid. But about the rules that equate the metropolises to the small municipalities in the prohibition of traveling for days Christmas, Saint Stephen me New Year the premiere unloads in the Chambers. “If he Parliament assuming all the responsibility that he wants to introduce some changes for the smaller municipalities, he will do it ”, said the prime minister during the press conference from Brussels.
The Covid containment plan “we did it thinking that in the situation we are in and in the perspective of a third wave, and therefore we cannot allow opportunities for coexistence,” Conte said.
The Undersecretary of Health, Sandra Zampa, who spoke on Rai Radio1’s ‘Che giorno è’ program, is in favor of the hard line. “I do not know if the intention is to reconsider the decree, I hope not, I hope we limit ourselves to an intervention with the so-called ‘Faq’, or those operational indications that also serve to decline the decrees, which could concern, for example, some situations of fragility, elderly single parents, disabled people. It is a very complex situation – admits Zampa – so I think the Faq is easier than the rigidity of a decree “.