After weeks of negotiations, more or less narrow tables and inevitable fights, Giuseppe Conte prepares to sign the long-awaited Christmas DPCM which will regulate how Italians will spend the holiday period from December 20 to January 6.
The chronicles speak of a harsh majority confrontation, with thepenalty taker who prevailed in those who instead asked for more openings to give encouragement, especially to the restaurant sector.
But as the minister hinted Roberto Speranza In his speech to the Senate, where he illustrated the national plan for the anti-Covid vaccine, Italy at this time cannot afford to lower its guard during the holiday period so as not to risk a third wave in early 2021.
In this comparison, however, the impalpability of the 5 star movement, the first ruling party to have remained essentially silent in the tug-of-war over the Christmas DPCM, where instead PD and Italia Viva have fought for a long time.

DPCM Christmas: the silence of the 5 stars
The news in the newspapers these days tell us about two fronts that are fighting in the newsroom of the Christmas DPCM. On the one hand the penalty shooters who came out winners, led by ministers Speranza, Boccia and Franceschini, while on the other hand those most willing to open such as Italia Viva and a part of the PD.
And the 5 star movement? The Head of Delegation Alfonso Bonafede He is counted among those who have married the line of rigor, but from former political leader Luigi Di Maio in recent days, only the hope of a resumption of teaching in presence has arrived, thus giving support to the requests of Minister Lucia Azzolina.
Too little for what first party of the government and of the entire Parliament, especially considering the importance of the measure and the new health crisis linked to Covid that is hitting the country.
In short, those who obtained 33% of the vote in the last election were expected to be able to dictate government policyOn the other hand, in the different majority tables the protagonists were quite different.
At the same time, the 5 Star Movement seems to be boiling but for a very different reason: the ME. The news is, in fact, the letter of 69 five-star MPs addressed to Regent Vito Crimi and Ministers Luigi Di Maio and Riccardo Fraccaro.
These 17 senators and 52 deputies wanted to reiterate theirs opposition to the approval of the reform, which without the 5-Star votes will not be ratified by Parliament on December 9.
While the MES is disrupting the Movement, the approval of the reform and not the activation by Italy will be voted, in the compared to Covid, the 5 stars seem to be much further apart: given that the battle against Covid will still be long, it would be desirable for the first party of the majority to make its voice heard more on the issue, instead of fighting for internal disputes that do not suit those who wanted to “Open Parliament like a can of tuna”.