Christmas Dpcm, here are the government’s frequently asked questions: what can and cannot be done – Chronicle


Those who have to move to Italy for the holidays at the end of 2020 must do so before December 20 or after January 7, either to go to second homes or to do some tourism: there are exceptions only for specific cases, assistance to non-self-sufficient people, separated who are with their minor children, family reunification in the usual home. This is what is specified in the Faq (answers to the most frequent questions) of the Presidency of the Council, “specific for the period December 21, 2020 – January 6, 2021”. It is not allowed to travel for tourism in Italy between December 21 and January 6 “ the faq of the Presidency of the Council on the Dpcm with the measures for Christmas on the government website.

For shops, restaurants and travel, the distinctions for red, orange and yellow areas remain valid.

ASSISTANCE TO NON-SELF-SUFFICIENT. It will also allow the “movement of care to non-self-sufficient people from January 21 to 6, even between municipalities or regions of different areas, where it is not possible to provide the necessary assistance through other subjects present in the same municipality / region.” This is specified in the FAQ from the prime minister’s office in the Christmas period. However, it is not possible to transfer more people than those strictly necessary to provide the necessary assistance: normally the need to provide assistance cannot justify the movement of more than one adult relative, possibly accompanied by minors who are already assisting “, explains the note.

VISITS TO FAMILY MEMBERS BEFORE 20- “Displacements to visit or go live for a few days with family or friends, including their parents, will be possible for everyone only if they move from one place in the yellow zone to another in the yellow zone, exclusively until December 20 and from January 7th. This is the answer on the government website to one of the most frequently asked questions (Faq) from the latest Dpcm. “From December 21 to January 6 these movements will be allowed, always exclusively between places in the yellow zone, only if you have residence or domicile or your domicile in the autonomous region / province of destination.” My parents, elderly but with good health, they live in a different region than mine. Can I visit them during the holidays? “, Is the question. In any case, on December 25 and 26 and January 1 it will be possible to travel only within the municipality itself – says the answer -. In any case, it will be possible to travel between different municipalities / provinces / regions for reasons of work, necessity or health ”.

SEPARATELY, THEY WILL BE ABLE TO MOVE TO GO TO YOUNG CHILDREN: Separated parents or adoptive parents can travel between December 21 and January 6 to travel to different municipalities or regions or abroad to spend the holidays with their minor children, in compliance with the provisions of the judge or agreements with the other parent. These trips “are among those motivated by need, so they are not subject to limitations. In the case of trips to or from abroad, however, it is necessary to consult the corresponding section on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International cooperation to obtain information on the specific sanitary requirements of the country from which you come or must leave “.

SECOND BOX – Transfers to second homes in a region other than yours are allowed only before December 20 and after January 7 and, in any case, only if the place of departure and destination are in the yellow zone. This is what we read in the Faq of the Council Presidency about the measures of the Dpcm. Therefore, if a family moves to a second residence, in another region, before December 20, and one of the members has to return to work in the region of origin for a few days, they will not be able to return to them before December 6 from January. The transfer of the second home to the workplace in the period between December 21 and January 6 cannot, in fact, justify a new return to the second home, in another region, in the same period.

GO BACK HOME – “People who for work reasons live in a place other than their spouse or partner, but who meet him regularly and periodically at the same address, may move to regroup during the period of December 21, 2020 at 6 January 2021 in the same house where they are usually found. ”This is clarified in the frequently asked questions about Christmas trips, which specify the meanings of” residence “,” domicile “and” home. “The dpcm of December 3, 2020 establishes, in fact, that, despite the prohibitions, from December 21 to January 6 it is still possible to return to one’s residence, domicile or home.
