Christmas, dinner at 19 (but only after the hyssop). Curfew at 10pm and kisses are not recommended


Christmas dinner at 7pm (but only after the hyssop)

First of all it will be necessary to measure the temperature of the nativity figurines, then space them well and equip them with a mask … Seriously, the next Christmas should be really full of common sense, responsibility, controls and maximum attention. The senseless behavior of last summer is still burning, with open and crowded nightclubs, it travels the world without rules or restrictions. Despite the strong political and economic pressures, tradition and religion that push towards the “meetings”, the Scientific Technical Committee that supports the government in this pandemic is not willing to give one iota.

Dec. 24

And then, we start from the night of December 24, when generally in homes we wait until midnight to unwrap gifts. Here, this year it can’t be like that. Almost all regions could be yellow – tolerated moves with self-certification to reach parents. But, unless there are last-minute “shifts”, the curfew will remain in force and will be from 10pm to 6am, although there are those who press to arrive at least at 11pm. For once Italy will have to become a little more Anglo-Saxon and to anticipate dinner time. So, meet at the houses around 19-19.30. To be able to eat and unwrap the gifts before fleeing home. At the last CTS meeting two days ago, it was agreed to designate a number of diners equal to six of close relatives and / or partners, stable emotional ties. But this number would be flexible in the sense that if eight / ten of all those falling within the allowed parameters, there would be no serious violations of the recommendations. Therefore, the evening will be open to parents, children, brothers and sisters. Or, in any case, to people who live together permanently or linked by lasting emotional ties.

It is evident, observes one of the most influential virologists of the CTS, if one of the brothers who also has the qualification to sit at the table, has not seen the other relatives for some time, it would be advisable to do swabs, especially if in your daily life you meet other people. . And the grandchildren, visiting their grandparents, it would be recommended that they eat at a table set separately, just for them, with a mask before and after dinner, and avoiding close encounters.
It is not possible to leave the house to go to midnight mass. The parishes will decide at what time the function will be held the day before, according to the provisions of the Dpcm. So a good time might be before 7pm (there will be different functions during the day). So you can get to dinner on time.


At 1 pm on the 25th we start again, it is lunch time again. This time there will also be time for a raffle, well spaced and with a mask, because the curfew will begin at 10 pm Could there be boyfriends? Intimate friends? The latter certainly not, but if there are deep and non-occasional emotional ties, they could sit at the table, with the generic precautions of tracking if they had more contacts for work. Clearly, the risk of contagion remains high even among family members. Experts advise everyone to undergo a preventative tampon. Kisses and hugs are strictly forbidden: it is better to show affection to grandparents and other diners by keeping the appropriate distances and always wearing a mask. Your life is at stake.

Dec 26

After a super controlled Christmas Eve and Christmas, can we do something else for the 26th? Among the dying traditions is precisely that of those who are used to spending at least Boxing Day for lunch. This year it will be impossible, because the new dpcm, which will be issued at 4, will require the closure of bars and restaurants on the three key days. During the rest of the month, the closing will be at 6 pm because, as Charlie Brown says, “at Christmas everyone is more tasty. It is the before and after what worries.

