Christmas Decree: the ministry circular in Pdf. Good moves for those who volunteer


Rome, December 22, 2020 – Guidelines on control S of the police in displacements allowed from Christmas Decree 2020. In circular of the Viminale sent to the prefects, it is recommended to organize “effective services … throughout the traffic arteries and in city ​​areaWith the aim – we continue reading – “to prevent possible infractions of mobility restrictions or meeting situations and non-compliance with interpersonal distancing”.

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Faq Christmas decree

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In addition, between the lines of the document, it is communicated that “the trips that reconnect with the assistance activities carried out within an association of VolunteeringWe read this in the circular sent to the prefects by Chief of Staff Bruno Frattasi after the Christmas decree.

The Ministry of the Interior also highlights that the volunteer activities “in agreement with local authorities, for needy or disadvantaged people.” Consequently, for the movement linked to these activities – says the circular – the realization of social volunteering can be justified ”.

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Second box

Clarifications also on the ‘hot’ issue of second homes: they can be accessed “only once a day” and “a maximum of two people, excluding children under 14 years of age” in the period of time “from 5 to 22 “. The circular clarifies: “In addition to trips to reach the home address of destination, trips destined to return home, domicile or residence must also be considered permitted, without prejudice to the prohibitions of traveling in the afternoon and at night.”


Regarding Masses, the document emphasizes that, “considering the period of validity of the measures in question, corresponding to the Christmas period … access to places of worship and participation in religious services is still allowed.” The only limit is the curfew tax.

The circular in Pdf
