Christmas decree, the eight rules to leave the house without risk of fines (also in the red zone)


Christmas decree, the eight rules to leave home without risk of fines

The basic rules to observe for the next few days are few: the government advises everyone to stay home and see some people, but if you want to go out to see friends and family you can do so while respecting common sense a bit. The logic of exceptions to emergency shutdown is clear: unfortunately we got to Christmas with many infections, more than 10,000 a day and with 600,000 Italians suffering from COVID-19-19, and we risk a third wave in January. We must try to avoid it both for the health of all and to prevent general impoverishment by blocking the economy.

Christmas decree, last day of shopping: starting tomorrow “the red zone”. Limitations and many exceptions

But let’s see the details of the Christmas rules. Which are essentially eight.

1) Until January 6 inclusive, you can go to second homes as long as they are in your region. You can move in with the cohabiting family unit and bring theself certification;

2) You can leave your Municipality (but not the Region) every day including the red ones to visit family and friends. It can be done once a day and in two partners, possibly with children under 14 years of age. Self-certification should always be carried;

3) Those who live in municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants can leave the municipality and the Shire, but within a radius of 30 kilometers. You cannot go to the provincial capitals. You must have self-certification.

4) You always have the right to return to your residence or domicile, any day, but not during the curfew from 10 pm to 5 am (7 am on January 1);

Red zone, shoot tomorrow: how and where the controls will be Skiing starts again at the end of January.

5) Restaurants and bars will be closed until January 6 but they can always carry service;

6) Grocery stores, newsstands, and pharmacies stay open even on red days. All stores are open in oranges.

7) Private parties are prohibited. Dancing and singing with other people are activities considered risky in times of Covid because the virus spreads more easily. Be careful because the police can also intervene in private homes to interrupt the holidays.

8) You can go to mass, possibly in the nearest church and strictly respecting distance and hand hygiene.

Those with doubts can easily clarify them by reading the answers to the most frequently asked questions on the website Be careful not to blatantly ignore the rules because the fines are very high starting at 400 euros per person. Ultimately, those who leave home knowing that they are positive instead risk the process of a culprit epidemic.

Christmas decree, yes to travel from small towns, but not to provincial capitals: the circular of Viminale to the prefects

New Faq Christmas decree: relatives, movements between municipalities, curfews, second residences, news


Last updated: 13:55

