On December 28, 29 and 30 and January 4, everything will be in the orange zone. The curfew is still at 10 pm
A decree of only three articles – The measures are contained in a decree law (it is no longer a Dpcm) of only three articles that the Council of Ministers approved after a long discussion within the government and with the Regions.
Movements between small towns – The provision also contains the derogation for small municipalities: it is possible to travel from those with less than five thousand inhabitants, but at a maximum distance of 30 kilometers and in any case not to go to the provincial capitals. With the exception of Campania, if Vincenzo De Luca will keep what he promised by announcing an order to prohibit any movement.
Orange days and yellow zone – On December 28, 29 and 30 and January 4, the country will be in the orange zone: you can move freely within the municipalities and the stores will be open. For bars and restaurants it will return on January 7. Before closing everything, however, Italy will be all yellow, at least for a day: on Saturday the last ordinances of Hope expire that kept Campania, Tuscany, Aosta Valley and the province of Bolzano in the orange zone and, for Therefore, as of Sunday, the regulations currently in force in the rest of the country will also apply in those territories. As of Monday, for three days, the measures for the yellow zones will be valid, with the exception of the possibility of displacement between Regions, which will be suspended as provided for by the Dpcm of December 3.