Christmas decree, green light of the CDM. Conte: «The virus allows itself to be bent, but not overcome. Refreshments for 645 million to restaurants and bars ». Here are the rules for tightening


Servicereleased the closure

Ten days of confinement between Christmas Eve and Befana. From the exemption for small municipalities to the Christmas lunch puzzle Ristori for 645 million for restaurants and bars

by Nicoletta Cottone

Christmas: add two seats at the table. Vacation restrictions

Ten days of confinement between Christmas Eve and Befana. From the exemption for small municipalities to the Christmas lunch puzzle Ristori for 645 million for restaurants and bars

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“The virus lets itself be overcome, but it cannot be defeated. The first Minister Giuseppe Conte It thus announces the decree law that contains a new repression of the rules to be respected to combat the new coronavirus. Ten days of confinement between Christmas Eve and Befana. “It is not an easy, painful decision: we must strengthen the regime of measures necessary to better protect ourselves also in view of the resumption of activities in January,” the prime minister explained. “The government’s measures – he said – have worked thanks to the responsibility of the citizens. It is a method that has avoided the generalized lockdown. We started with the zone method with Rt at 1.7 and returned it to 0.86, so much so that in the next few days all the Regions could become a yellow zone ».

Ten days of confinement

After a very long confrontation that has lasted for days, the line of rigor was approved in Palazzo Chigi, to prevent the parties from becoming a multiplier of the contagion of the new coronavirus. In the decree law approved by the Council of Ministers on December 18, a new restriction on the movements of year-end holidays. A ten-day national red zone from December 24 to January 6, on holidays and days before holidays. An orange zone on other days of the week, therefore on December 28, 29, 30 and January 4. In total, therefore, 10 days of total closure and 4 of partial closings.


At Christmas dl, 645 million soft drinks for restaurants and bars

We are “next to” the operators that will participate in these measures. “We have suspended contributions and taxes for those with losses. Anyone who suffers financial damage must be immediately reinstated. This decree provides immediate relief of 645 million for restaurants and bars. Conte stressed that with the new aid stations in January there will be compensation for losses also for other operators, in addition to restaurants and bars. “And we will create leveling measures,” he announced. The Minister of Economy Roberto Gualtieri He commented via twitter: «The protection of #health continues to be the government’s priority. For this reason, the CDM launches new, more restrictive rules to contain infections during the holidays. We will give our full support to companies that will suffer financial damage. Let’s face more sacrifices together. During the Christmas days from the red zone it will be allowed to carry out physical activity near home and outdoor sports individually. And “beauty centers, bars and restaurants will be closed. On the other hand, supermarkets, grocery stores, essential items, pharmacies and parapharmacies, hairdressers and barbers will be open ”, explained the premier.

Urgent recovery, confrontation without dogmas or bets

Then the Recovery: «it must be shared with the majority forces and then approved in the confrontation with the social partners and Parliament. We will pass through Parliament several times. We need to define it urgently – we all need to be prepared to hone it down to the last minute and second. There is no dogma, there is no game, we must all try to be available for this confrontation, ”said Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

The repeal for small municipalities

Among the novelties is the repeal for the inhabitants of small municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants, who may move to other municipalities within a 30-kilometer radius, but not to the provincial capitals.
