The infectious diseases specialist at the Sacco hospital in Milan, Massimo Galli, in an interview with the newspaper ‘La Stampa’, considers the closure of the new Christmas Decree positive but that it should have come earlier.
“The interventions have finally arrived and this is to be appreciated. In recent weeks I have repeatedly underlined the contradiction between the urgency of curbing infections to avoid the third wave and more than fair attention to facilitate the liberation of all.“Said the infectious disease specialist.
Christmas decree: trips, visits to relatives and fines. Government FAQ
“Color variations have never turned me on, but anything that slows infections is fine. It must be recognized that the multi-color strategy has produced effects – added Galli – even if the downward negotiation between parties and regions has not yielded enough results, if we did not have Christmas in red”.
Finally, according to Galli, it is important to maintain the results and, therefore, not only achieve them: “Then there is the problem of maintaining the results over time and therefore of strengthening the territorial organization, the buffers and the means of transport.”.