Christmas Decree 2020, Government and Region: the babel of measures


Yellow, yellow plus, Orange less, deep orange, bright red. The day the contagion rate Rt dates throughout Italy (0.82 to 0.86) and also goes back to Veneto (from 1.01 to 1.07, we are the only region in Italy with Molise above 1), the day our territory is confirmed in the yellow band but at high risk with Lazio and Liguria ending up mocking the president of Campania Vincenzo De Luca (I look at the dramatic situation in Veneto that confirms the cialtroneria of the mechanism of the zones: they have always been yellow and have three times more intensive care used than in Campania … I send my greetings to the fellow citizens of Veneto who pay for their account propagandism of skin and fictions; of the national government, and not only) here, yesterday the government finally approved the Christmas decree with the rules for the holidays.

The dl government complicated by the Zaia ordinance

An already complex arrangement, as we shall see, that in Veneto it is even more complicated, since it overlaps with the Zaia ordinance in force since Saturday 19 and the various restrictive measures that the mayors are taking to contain the infections. With an unexpected outcome, not to say paradoxical: according to the letter of the law, in fact, not only in the Red days of the Eve, of Christmas, of Saint Stephen, of New Year andEpiphany but also in the oranges included among the festivities theZaia order is more severe than Government dpcm, whose limits are many loosened from exemptions, and as such it must be applied (Regions and Municipalities may have different rules from national decrees only if they are more restrictive, as in this case).

What will happen now

But let’s try to put some order, as far as possible, since it is not excluded that the President of the Region and the mayors, having read the text of the decree, do not decide to withdraw its provisions, to help the residents a little. citizens to clarify. So from Saturday 19 the order of Zaia comes into force establishes that until January 6 it is not possible to leave the municipality of residence from 2 to 10 p.m.; after 10 pm the prescription is useless, since at that time the national curfew begins, until 5 am. But watch out for many exceptionsFrom the management of children to appointments at the hairdresser, from second homes to the use of public transport, passing through lunch that goes beyond 2:00 p.m., there are many circumstances in which the fine can be avoided changing municipality. L ‘Zaia order it will be the only provision in force until December 24, when the government’s Christmas decree will take effect. And therefore the December 24, 25, 26 and 27 Veneto will become a red zone: stores will close (except essentials and hairdressers), the bars and restaurants (but takeout and delivery is always fine) e you will not be able to leave the house all day, except for reasons of health, work or necessity and urgency. But an important exception has been foreseen: it will be possible to go out to go to another house, in the same region, to visit family and friends, as long as it is only once (therefore, yes to have lunch with grandparents, not to visit relatives ) and does not move for more than two (children under 14 years old are not counted). And there comes the problem: the Zaia ordinance prohibits leaving the Municipality from 14 to 22 and the courtesy visit to family and friends, less within the region, not among the exceptions. A more restrictive provision that should therefore be applied. What happens now?

The orange zone

We continue: December 28, 29 and 30 Veneto turns orange: shops can reopen while bars and restaurants are closed (takeaway and delivery always fine). On the basis of the decree it will be possible to leave the house, not from the Municipality, but also here with one important exception: in fact, it will be possible to move from the Common where you want to move no more than 30 kilometers

(without prejudice to the absolute prohibition of dumping in the capital, even if it is less than 30 kilometers away). Also in this case, however, the decree contrasts with the Zaia ordinance, which does not provide for the exemption for travel from small towns after 2 pm and, therefore, being more restrictive, it should be applied. Again: what do you do?

What the municipalities do

The same problems are repeated with respect to the red zone on December 31 and on January 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6; as for the orange zone on January 4. A framework of rules to go crazy if you think that there are also prohibitions on the part of the City Councils. In Padua, the center will be completely closed to cars today and tomorrow, from 10 am to 7 pm. In Treviso, five anti-recollection checkpoints have been created in the historic center. Verona closes the center and reduces access by car to the Ztl (only between 10 am and 2.30 pm). All prefectures announce a strong tightening of controls.

December 19, 2020 (change December 19, 2020 | 13:02)

