Christmas, cross-region travel for residents only. Curfew until 23:00 or midnight. Restaurants closed on 25 and 26


Christmas, cross-region travel for residents only.  Curfew until 23:00 or midnight.  Restaurants closed on 25 and 26

Despite some complaints, the division of Italy into three zones works and allows regional presidents to rejoice when rank is upgraded and hand over responsibility for the closures to the government. A mechanism that, therefore, will be reaffirmed in the new dpcm that should see the light next week and regulate the behavior during the Christmas holidays.

Yesterday morning, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte met with the heads of the majority delegation to address the issue together with the one related to the new refreshment decree. Between interruptions and absences – Professors Brusaferro and Locatelli were also present – lasted until the night, but the clash between the two souls, the rigorist of Pd and Leu and the more permissive of Iv and 5S – continues, and To have a text It is also necessary to wait for a new meeting of Ministers Speranza and Boccia with the Conference of the Regions.

The drop in the contagion rate and the number of patients turning to intensive care still does not allow us to lower our guard, but Prime Minister Conte does not agree on the need for more repression.
By the middle of next month all or almost all regions will be in the yellow band and this is of particular concern due to the mobility that could be created. Technicians are pushing to block movements between regions, including the yellow ones, and for now the idea of ​​allowing them only to residents is prevailing, thus prohibiting tourism. Conte is to avoid a net closure of traffic: he presses for the movement of relatives to be allowed as of December 4 and the same idea is the Undersecretary of Health Sandra Zampa who, interviewed by La7, wanted “to allow families to reunite “.

Another node is the curfew now at 22. It will certainly remain. The idea is to move it at 11 at night, if not at midnight, also because it is intertwined with the problem of the Christmas Mass on which the Italian Episcopal Conference intervened yesterday, without exaggerating but ensuring “collaboration” with the government . Given that in many churches the Christmas mass has already begun at 10 p.m., if not before, the problem does not seem insoluble and is linked to the more generalized curfew that in the current days of the Christmas holidays, could be lengthened a little bit. a couple of hours, compared to 22 today, for everyone and not just for those who want to go to mass.

Another important news, the closing of the restaurants on December 25 and in Santo Stefano. On other days, the clubs in the yellow zone will remain open until 6 in the afternoon as is already the case today, instead closed in the orange and red zones, while the shops must remain open until 9 at night to avoid crowds with views of Christmas shopping. Confirming yesterday the mechanism of the three bands allowed Conte to resist the onslaught of the rigorist wing led by Minister Speranza and the Democratic Party that aims for even harsher closures than those already foreseen in the current dpcm. The hypothesis is still to divide the Dpcm in two, as in Germany, to check after the middle of the month if and where it is possible to grant some additional relaxation. Among the almost certain things is the idea of ​​allowing the reopening of shopping centers on holidays, while it is still being debated whether to include in a decree the invitation not to be at the table more than six to eight people, excluding minors. six years.

Schools closed and ski lifts, the fear that families will move to resorts in any case remains strong, but Conte intends to continue following the three-gang mechanism that provides for the famous 21 conditions under which it opens or closes. . And for this, it is proposed to convene, perhaps also for today, a new meeting of heads of delegation with the Scientific Technical Committee.

Last updated: 06:44

