Christmas, Covid and Regions: is the “white zone” coming? The proposal


The Governor of Liguria, Giovanni Toti, has proposed introducing the “white zone” as a new Covid risk band with a view to Christmas 2020

The President of the Region Liguria Giovanni All presented a new proposal to the government to allow “a Christmas a little freer for the economy and social life.” The idea of ​​the governor of Liguria, launched in ‘Che Tempo Che Fa’, in Rai Tre, envisages the introduction of a new venture gang in Italy, namely the “white zone“.

The “white zone” would identify an area where the decreasing number of the Covid-19 pandemic would allow greater freedom, perhaps with bars and restaurants that can remain open even at night.

Regions: is the “white zone” coming? Comment by Locatelli

Giovanni Toti’s proposal was judged with skepticism by Franco Locatelli, president of the Superior Council of Health and member of the Scientific Technical Committee

The latter said: “Let us stop for now on the three colors that we know, then after Christmas we will talk about it …”.

Regions and colors: Galli warning

Massimo too Galli, specialist in infectious diseases at the Sacco-University Hospital of Milan, spoke with ‘Agorà’, on Rai Tre, about the different risk bands of Covid in Italy.

Speaking of the color change that occurred on Sunday in some regions, Galli explained that this step “is not a merit.” And he added: “It is not a race.”

In the political debate, Galli observed, “the point seems to be changing color”, when instead it should be “to keep the situation in the long term out of danger of a recovery as much as possible” from the wave of infections.

What Christmas 2020 will be like: EU guidelines are coming

White zone or not, for Wednesday, December 2, the officialization of the European Union guidelines is expected to correctly celebrate Christmas in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

The general indication in this regard will be to reinforce restrictive measures to avoid gatherings in closed environments, crowded places and close contacts.

VIRGILIO NEWS | 11-30-2020 08:29

Regions in the red, orange and yellow zones: what can be done

Photo Source: Ansa

Regions in the red, orange and yellow zones: what can be done
