Christmas between the wish to party and the nightmare of Covid, the head of the brain: “The blockade would be the only option”


A “fragile balance” in which compliance with preventive measures and self-discipline are the only real weapon to fight a new wave of infections. This is how Massimo Farinella, director of Infectious Diseases of the Department of Medicine of the Villa Sofia-Cervello hospital, speaks with theAdnkronos, the possibility of a third Covid wave in January and the choices that will be made for the Christmas period.

“This identification of a first, a second and now a third wave is artificial – he says – because the epidemic flow has never stopped. There have been spikes of infections, the summer break in which it was decided to reopen and then a new increase, especially for the southern areas that had contained infections during the period of confinement and in September had to deal with a resumption of epidemic cases. But the virus is always present and unfortunately people tend to forget it. “

farinella maximum 3-2Farinella looks with concern at the images broadcast on televisions of crowded shops and stores. “The risk is that the condition of violation of the security procedures is reproduced, that the reopening is interpreted as ‘it’s over’, but it is not like that,” he continues. Wash your hands, wear a mask, avoid meetings and estrangements seem banal but they are the only weapons we have to contain the spread of Covid, which without tightening controls will be inevitable “. The controls, however, are difficult. “It is impossible to put the army in front of every store or on every street,” highlights the director of the Infectious Diseases department, who is looking at the closure decided by Germany for the Christmas period. “From a health point of view, it would be the only option,” he says, “the only way not to frustrate all the efforts made so far. If we can contain the ‘free everything’ of these ten days we could also contain the spread of the virus.

What worries Farinella is also the feeling that people do not realize the danger. “There is a clear gap between the perception by doctors or relatives of those hospitalized with Covid or, worse still, lost someone in this pandemic and those who have not had direct contact with this virus,” he refrains. It would be more awareness and more discipline. “And if the third wave really arrives?” Everything is in the numbers – he concludes – With respect to February, the Sicilian network has been implemented, new places have been opened, only in Cervelló has A complete ward with more than 100 beds has been converted for Covid, there are the Usca. Many efforts and I believe that it will be possible to face an increase in infections. But be careful: it is a fragile balance. At this moment we are in a balance situation, there is pressure on intensive care, but things do not happen by chance. This virus with the means we have at the moment, without failing in vaccines that, in any case, will take months to guarantee coverage of the population. ”
