
Published on: 12/13/2020 9:31 pm
Strict measures for Christmas. Exemption only for travel between small cities. The summit of the heads of delegation with Prime Minister Conte was updated this Monday at 12, after a meeting with the CTS. From the meeting, according to what Adnkronos has learned from government sources, a compact majority position emerged on the indications that will be given in the face of Christmas days.
The steps to be taken to modify the measures contained in the decree and in the Christmas Dpcm were at the center of the meeting of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte with the heads of delegation, the Minister of Regions Francesco Boccia, Undersecretary Riccardo Fraccaro, Minister of Relations with the Parliament Federico D’Incà.
The green light came from the summit for travel exemptions, but only for small towns. The limit being considered for exemptions for Christmas trips is that of municipalities with 5,000 inhabitants within 30 km. For the rest, however, the intention is to move towards a “tightening” of the provisions on the basis of what has been defined as the “Merkel model”.
Conte: “We can show responsibility during the holidays”
Basically, with regard to the next holidays and before holidays, so just before Christmas, the hypothesis is to also have new red and orange areas based on the indications that the scientists will give. It is not a new blockade, it is stressed, but a tightening of the provisions throughout Italy. A majority motion is coming up that will be presented tomorrow morning in the Senate with the objective of the question of mobility between different municipalities.
The Democratic Party called for new measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus on the same day that it emerged today during a meeting of the PD ministers with the House and Senate group leaders, Secretary Nicola Zingaretti and Undersecretary Andrea Orlando.
“The measures indicated a few weeks ago by the government to contain the pandemic curve are working. If the situation in many regions improves, it is only thanks to these containment measures and consistent and responsible behaviors. Despite this, the number of victims is so dramatic. as the total positives. Now we must do everything possible not to disperse these results and not go backwards, ”said the leaders of the Democratic Party.
Therefore, given a certain increase in the risk of social gatherings due to the holiday period and the recommendations for prudence and responsibility of the national scientific committee, it is necessary to evaluate the adoption of new measures to ensure the containment of infections ”.
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