
Apart from the easing of restrictions, curfew at Christmas and New Years could be early at 21. This is the orientation of the government in the game of the new summit between the prime minister Giuseppe Conte and the heads of delegation of the majority, postponed for the appointment of Agostino Miozzo to the health commissioner in Calabria.
By December 3, the new Dpcm that will come into effect from the next day anti-Covid rules and the government will insert ad hoc rules for Christmas and New Year’s Eve. According to Print The idea, with the approval of the CTS, is to advance the curfew at 9:00 p.m. But there are still possible exceptions in the midnight mass.
Regarding the movements, the line of different prohibitions could go from territory to territory, and we are already thinking about an update of the Dpcm towards December 19 and 20. Among the hypotheses under consideration the possibility of moving to the regions of the yellow band between first degree relatives. And dinners and dinners? the limited number “6 plus 2”, where the first are the guests and the second the host couple. There are exceptions to Christmas shopping in the days leading up to the holidays.
Among the measures that Conte and Speranza are studying, among others, is the hard line for those who choose to go abroad for the Christmas holidays. When you return home, one will wait for you mandatory quarantine two weeks, reports the Messenger Service. And the list of countries at risk will continue to grow.