Christmas 2020 and Covid: what the bars, restaurants and shops of Emilia Romagna ask for


Bologna, November 29, 2020 – By the deal Emilia-Romagna, let’s go shops ai Pub and there restaurants, 2020 was a dramatic year. Closures, staggered reopens, limited hours: the consequence is in the worrying numbers of the sector, which register something like 42 thousand requests for layoffs you only count for Bologna and loss of rotation of activities, even small and family ones, of the order of 70/80%. Now a small window is opening: the Region issued on Friday aorder ‘soft’, in force since yesterday, which allows medium-sized companies to finally reopen (up to 2,500 square meters of surface in municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants and up to 1,500 square meters in those with less than 10,000 inhabitants) week. Health Councilor Donini and Governor Bonaccini himself said they were very optimistic that the region could return soon ‘yellow‘. With the possibility, therefore, of reopening activities such as bars and restaurants until 6pm.

The unknowns however, many remain. Time restrictions for bars and restaurants worry merchants because they eliminate a large part of the turnover, making it difficult for businesses to support themselves. In addition, the intention of the executive seems to be to lower the blinds on Christmas and San Esteban. An election that according to the representatives of the merchants would have very serious consequences for the sector.

Postacchini (Confcommercio): “Closed for Christmas? It would be a blow”

“We want a December as close to normal as possible with a return to shopping from home. We need it “. Enrico Postacchini, president of Confcommercio Emilia Romagna, considers the latest regional ordinance “a step forward”, which removed the weekend limitations for small and medium sales structures.

Is this a particularly positive development for neighborhood activities?
“This is a positive development for traditional physical stores that have always operated in full compliance with security protocols. We are talking about medium-sized commercial structures (with an area of ​​up to 2,500 square meters in municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants and up to 1,500 in those with less than 10,000 inhabitants, ed), that is, even high-level businesses for which is important. reopening on weekends. The little ones reopen on Sundays and in this period it is essential. It will be a weekend of transition, what we now expect is a quick return of the region to the yellow zone, starting next week. The limit to mobility between municipalities creates difficulties in trade ”.

‘Supporting the local economy is giving our city a hug’ says your campaign to encourage purchases in local stores: is this a way to give a break to the local economy?
«The objective of the Confcommercio campaign is to promote physical stores where quality and competition meet, evolve and adapt to the times. Such activities have been mortified in this phase.

Emilia-Romagna is still the orange zone. Public exercises do not see the light at the end of the tunnel?
“There is too much uncertainty. We are waiting to understand what the government’s options will be for the holidays, from the times.

As for restaurants and bars, the closure at Christmas and San Esteban throughout Italy seems the most concrete hypothesis.
“The prospect of stumbling work is clearly negative. It would be a blow, also because December is a fundamental month and we are already returning from a long period of difficulties.

Snacks chapter: where are we?
“We need to know first-hand the refreshments promised to companies that have suspended their activities. Contributions are essential, but it should be clarified that they hardly serve to pay employees and suppliers, they are resources that should be used to try to stay afloat.

Regarding employment, only in Bologna, as of August 31, the sector processed 42 thousand dismissal requests. After Christmas, will the crisis materialize?
«The risk is this. 2021 will be a year in which market conditions will continue to be difficult, we need an expansion of the measures starting with the redundancy fund. Commerce is paying for organizational errors that originate in the government, no one has any illusions for the future. Patience and a spirit of sacrifice are required. Meanwhile, let’s think about the month of December, hoping to be able to experience it in conditions close to normal ».

Domenichini (Confesercenti): “It is essential to open restaurants and bars until 10 at night”

“The category of public companies is the one that is paying the highest price. The hypothesis that the next Dpcm will keep the closing time at 6 pm is worrying. Dario Domenichini, president of Confesercenti Emilia Romagna, expects “a signal of attention from the government.”

What could be the solution?
«The effects of the current scenario on the sector are comparable to those of a red zone, with closed public businesses and blocking of inter-municipal mobility. In addition, the region’s passage into the orange zone was not expected, this generated more difficulties. But now let’s look ahead: through Fiepet, our trade federation, we ask the government to plan to open it at least until 10 pm to ensure more security and avoid the cessation of various activities.

Wouldn’t the return of the region to the yellow zone in a week be enough, with the possibility of bars and restaurants remaining open until 6 in the afternoon?
“It would be a step forward, but a small one. Many clubs in the yellow zone choose not to open: working during lunch does not always earn enough income. Arrive at least at 10 p.m. M. Would allow him to entertain people for dinner, according to the rules. It’s crucial “.

A Christmas and a San Esteban are expected without collection: the intention seems to be to anticipate the closure of bars and restaurants.
“There is frustration. The alternation of the opening and closing periods is not painless.

Has the Emilia-Romagna scenario in recent weeks, with the overlapping of restrictive rules established by a Dpcm and a regional ordinance, ended up benefiting those who sell online?
“We strongly discussed this overlap, the ordinance rules had been envisioned with the region in the yellow zone. That is why we are calling for the withdrawal of the regional provision, which really happened this week. For online, a problem of equality of rules arises even now: physical stores have been found in semi-deserted centers due to mobility restrictions and have lost, with Sunday closings, important commercial initiatives that have continued on the web. First of all Black Friday, which we ask to postpone as in France ».

Is the latest regional ordinance on medium and small sales structures a good sign?
“It is good that we are beginning to intervene to relax the restrictive measures.”

What expectations for Christmas?

“The hope is that there will be more tranquility, generated above all by a decrease in the number of infections. Health is the priority, but the economic question must be addressed because there are companies that have lost between 70 and 80% of their turnover, even small and family ones ”.

Is the hope in the soft drinks?
«You have to find a solution, stopping to think based on the Ateco codes. Entire categories such as sales agents or “trade shows” are excluded. A snack linked to the volume of business would be desirable ”.
