Child with cold and fever, pediatrician orders swab. Parents: “She is a terrorist”


“You are a terrorist and then you insult yourself” is what was heard pediatrician of two parents, (“against vaccines,” he says), of one 18 month old girl after requesting a buffer for her daughter back fromkindergarten with a severe cold and some fever lines. Then the outbreak of doctor on his Facebook profile: “Some parents hold us accountable for the protocol we must enforce when a child is sick, even for reasons that are not considered serious like the common cold. I speak of the request for a buffer through the bodies created by this government (Siesp). HEThe pediatrician or general practitioner who does not implement this protocol runs the risk of going to jail and being expelled from the medical order. as responsible for any epidemic. Parents, before you open your mouth, operate your brain, we are only pawns of this bureaucracy.

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The pediatrician, contacted by phone, says that the mother of this child had called her saying that the daughter had come back from kindergarten with a little coldBut over the weekend her health had deteriorated and she wanted me to prescribe medication or a spray so that she would recover quickly and could return to kindergarten. «After the telephone triage – continues the pediatrician – I told the parents that their baby, as required by ministerial protocol, had to be subjected to a swab: open sky and sinking into the earth. She and her partner verbally assaulted me giving me the epithets of incompetent, terrorist and other unrepeatableel “. At that time he explained that, with patience, he tried to make them understand that there is a protocol that health professionals must respect in this specific case. All useless. Parents hit the phone in his face and no longer answer calls So, he decides to alert ASL leaders of I love you to let them know what happened.

He does not get a clear answer from ASL as he is a minor. In fact, they warn you that deep down the jurisprudence is incomplete and that without parental consent it is like walking through a minefield. and all he could do was go see the patient face to face and then decide whether to lock her up in isolation with her family. “The practice is not feasible according to the latest Dpcm – explains the doctor – because it provides for a live visit in case of suspicion COVID-19It can only be carried out by doctors from Usca (Special Continuity Units) ». At that time, given the problems that are emerging and that will surely multiply with the opening of kindergartens and schools on September 24 in our region, he decided to write a Pec to the pediatricians union asking: “In case of lack of consent of a parent on the Covid-19 test can invalidate the protocol? Is privacy violated by activating it without consent? If in an 18-month-old girl it is possible to request a diagnostic test (rapid tests that take minutes to give the result) of the coronavirus? Not activating the protocol may be a reason for acquired pandemic as well as the omission of official acts? “.

“Waiting for your answer – concludes the doctor – I blocked the request for the tampon and at the same time I refused to sign the readmission to the child’s nursery. I don’t know if the parents, who are opposed to vaccines, went to another doctor and signed their permission slip. In any case, there is so much confusion and this does not seem like the correct way to proceed. To do things well you need certain rules.

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