“Check the name of …” Here comes the paper pillory against Salvini and the Lega – Il Tempo


Matteo salvini

Riccardo mazzoni

Look at the name of … ”is the magic formula used by Jacobin titolists to muddy uncomfortable political leaders and surreptitiously involve them in the thorniest judicial investigations. And if these inquiries, which have been hidden for months or years, explode on the eve of important electoral rounds, then that formula acquires an even more subtle value.

Fondi Lega, the hunt for prosecutors was reopened.  Three public accountants

Yesterday the newspapers of the justice network, Daily fact me Republic, spoke in unison, speaking of the Lombardia Film Commission investigation, of a dinner in Rome last May in which Salvini, Senate Vice President Calderoli, Senator Borghesi and an auditor in the League Chamber participated. A normal political meeting between fellow party members? No: that dinner – and the interceptions related to the infamous Trojan – would instead be the “smoking gun” of the Captain’s involvement in the investigation into alleged illegal funding of the League. Where “comes the name of …”. This circumstance, however, was immediately denied by the Milan Prosecutor’s Office, which denied the presence and activation of the lethal TI detectors there. A timely denial, although it certainly would not have been the first time that parliamentarians have been intercepted by the Judiciary without the proper authorization of the Chamber to which they belong. But the point this time is different: the judicial siege against the leader of the opposition, which has been taking place since the Lega became the first Italian party. It will be a coincidence, but also in January, on the eve of the regional in Emilia Romagna …

