check hypothesis blocking during the weekend – Libero Quotidiano


The day of Giuseppe Conte it doesn’t end in the best way. Yesterday, October 16, coronavirus infections reached the peak of the second wave, exceeding 10,000. So Dario Franceschini asked for an emergency meeting with the prime minister. A summit, this one, convened in the middle of the night at Palazzo Chigi, where the heads of the party’s delegation discussed with the prime minister the new measures to counter the emergency.

The night summit, however, was not the most peaceful. Yes indeed, as reported The courier service, Alfonso Bonafede came cautiously, the same can’t be said for Teresa Bellanova, uncompromising like the Renzians on the fact that “we must learn to live with the virus.” Franceschini and Speranza have a different opinion, who instead fight for the hard line. “The situation is serious”Continues repeating the Minister of Health who, as for the most severe, invokes the curfew at 22.

The newsletter worsens and Italy on the verge of closure: today a record number

Hypothesis that the Prime Minister wants to eliminate at all costs. And then the hypothesis of partial blocking on the weekends. Among the pressures that the premiere is considering for the new Dpcm, further restrict the hours of bars, discos and restaurants and the sale of alcohol after a certain time, counteract the nightlife, or strengthen the smart work to lighten the local public transport , at a very high level. risk of contagion.
