chaos in Milan. But he denies it – Libero Quotidiano


Shame (and denial) for Flavio briatore. The reason? A video, also posted by Corriere della Sera, which shows its alleged “creative parking“in the center of Milan. Yes, the one you can see in the images below would be the Rolls Royce Mr. billionaire’s black, left in the middle of the road, near the tracks, at random. Outcome? For more than five minutes, circulation was blocked., with tram line and cars blocked. So, as anticipated, according to the He would run It would have turned out that the owner was Briatore himself, who, once again at the wheel, would have left amid the insults of the crowd. The episode was filmed by one of those present around 5:45 pm, in via Carducci-Corso Magenta corner, where a means of rapid intervention of the ATM had already arrived to clear the road. However, in Dagospia, the interested party denies: “I absolutely deny that I blocked the traffic in Milan, since at that time I was happy in my house in Monte Carlo. And then I am not in Rolls Royce but in Range Rover”, he cut him short .

Do you understand Briatore's daughter?  With three parents it's not easy: Leni, a crazy cover at 16. So ... |  Look
