Chaos Covid, Juve-Napoli at risk. Crisanti: “It was crazy”


The outbreak of Coronavirus to Genoa he sent chaos Italian football, and now Serie A clubs, are wondering how to act in the coming days. Postponement of Genoa-Turin now seems obvious, but also the championship match between the Juventus and Naples, The team that last faced Griffin has serious doubts.

The virologist also intervened in the matter. Andrea Chrysanthemums, according to which in case of positivity, the only way to contain the infection would be quarantine the entire team. “This is a story that fits perfectly into the dynamics of virus transmission and at the same time makes us understand what they are. the consequences of not applying the quarantine and exempt the players from this preventive measure, ”he told Radio 24.

“You wonder why to be given up on football a measure that instead applies to all the others. What happened was that during the training the positive person transmitted the disease. Insanity is not having quarantined these people in the presence of a positive “.

According to Crisanti not only Genoa, but also the players and the coaching staff of Naples must be quarantined: “Of course, there are no alternatives and even those in Naples must be quarantined and monitored. Swabs should be done to those of Naples now and in two, three days because clearly if one is infected, it generally turns positive after two or three days. “

Sports Minister Spadafora expressed himself this way about the Covid cases in Genoa: “I don’t think so, we are not yet in a position to have to talk about a stop in Serie A. But the question worries me very soon I will hear the president of Serie A, Dal Pino, and the president of FIGC, Gravina ”.

OMNISPORT | 09-29-2020 18:25

Chaos Covid, Juve-Napoli at risk.  Chrysants: Source: Getty Images
