
A twist on the range of available treatments for infection by COVID-19. the Council of State He said yes tohydroxychloroquine for the treatment of cortonavirus, prescription only and non-refundable. The third section of the Council of State accepted, as a precautionary measure, the appeal of a group of general practitioners and suspended the Aifa note of July 22, 2020 that prohibited the prescription without brand that it is for a use not foreseen in the leaflet, of the drug discussed for the fight against Covid 19.

But what do administrative judges say? The order establishes that “the continuing uncertainty about the therapeutic efficacy of hydroxychloroquine, admitted by Aifa itself to justify the additional evaluation in randomized clinical trials, is not sufficient legal reason to justify the unreasonable suspension of its use in the national territory based on the doctors “. “The choice to use the drug or not, in a situation of doubt and contrast in the scientific community – is written in the ordinance – on the basis of non-univocal clinical data, on its efficacy in the initial stage of the disease only, must therefore be remittanceAutonomy in decision-making and responsibility of the individual physician.“,” in science and conscience “and with the evident informed consent of the individual patient. Without prejudice to the constant and careful vigilance of the physician who prescribed it. The order specifies that it is not subject to suspension (or upstream of litigation) The decision Aifa to exclude the unauthorized prescription of hydroxychloroquine from the reimbursement scheme.

The drug, “sponsored” by among others Donald Trump and Matteo Salvini among political leaders, it is used in the treatment of malaria and some autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and discoid and disseminated lupus erythematosus. Its off-label use was allowed in the early stages of the pandemic. At first, then-US President Donald Trump praised its alleged effects against Covid-19 by making enthusiastic remarks to the press. However, as the months passed, the enthusiasm for hydroxychloroquine began to wane.