Chadwick Boseman: his latest tweet has the most likes in the history of Twitter – Movies


The last tweet from Chadwick Boseman ends in the history of Twitter, in which the family of the actor from the ‘Black Panther’ account announced his disappearance: it is the message with more than ever for the social network, as announced by it. society. There are currently 6.5 million hearts, 3 million retweets, and 156,000 comments. The record only confirms the huge wave of emotion and affection that caused the premature death, a cancer at 43, of the interpreter who has become an icon of the African American people, of black pride, inspiration, as he recalled yesterday in a message. former President Barack Obama (“To be young, talented, and black; use that power to give heroes to look up to; and do all of this while sick … what an extraordinary use of your days.”)

The last tweet written when he was serious, on August 11, Chadwick Boseman had dedicated instead to Kamala Harris: As a child he had attended Howard University, the same university of black students in Washington, as a Democratic candidate for the vice presidency. . In Los Angeles, but not only there, vigils and celebrations are held in his memory.