Cesare Battisti transferred to the Rossano Calabro prison for terrorists


Cesare Battisti, Pac’s former terrorist, sentenced to life imprisonment for 4 murders, will soon be transferred from Oristano prison to Rossano Calabro prison (Cosenza). The prison administration department rejected Battisti’s request, which asked for a relaxation of the prison regime in consideration of his health conditions and his transfer to Rome or Milan. The prisoner, to request his application, had also started a hunger strike a few days ago. Against the request of the prisoner, the opinion of the national anti-mafia and anti-terrorism leadership had also come.

Battisti, extradited to Italy in 2018 after being captured in Bolivia (a country where he had taken refuge from Brazil), has finished serving in Oristano the period of diurnal isolation that had been inflicted on him as an accessory sentence to life imprisonment. The Rossano Institute to which a structure reserved for those convicted of terrorist acts is destined and therefore of high security but allows spaces for socialization. In the Calabria prison, the former Pac terrorist will only have to serve two weeks of medical isolation due to Covid.

The Rossano Calabro prison is part of the so-called High Security Circuit for convicted of terrorism against the democratic order (it does not host prisoners accused of Islamic terrorism). According to what was announced by the Antigone association website, on August 31 the last 286 people were present in the structure despite the 263 places available.

September 12, 2020 (change September 12, 2020 | 17:55)

