
Francesco Storace
Everyone thinks of home, but sooner or later the center right will have to reflect on the missing piece to consolidate itself as a winning – and lasting – alternative in the bipolarity that will inevitably open with the Five Stars in the arms of the Democratic Party. If the crossing in the desert lasts until 2023, woe to waste the time that will be spent chasing the best.
All parties say that you have to open up to the outside, but in practice there are few occasions when they leave you speechless. However, in the society of the leadership there are no longer only those of the party. And the regionals have testified quite a bit. Luca Zaia and Giovanni Toti on the right, Michele Emiliano and Vincenzo De Luca on the left are the practical representation. All four confirmed with great personal success. It also happened to Nicola Zingaretti and Stefano Bonaccini.
A separate discussion concerns Francesco Acquaroli and Eugenio Giani, both in their first (positive) performance in front of Marche and Toscana. But from the games there seems to be a distracted look at what is happening in the territories. Sometimes jealous of the “competition”. The electoral data seems useful only for the next day, but the strength of the governors elected by the people is worth five years. The time of a couple of congresses for the parties that insist on holding them again.
However, we speak only of the immediate, never of perspective. We stayed in the center right field. Matteo Salvini insisted on the subsequent vote on the national primacy of the League – even if Nicola Zingaretti disputes it – and on avoiding the defeats of Puglia and Campania; Giorgia Meloni and a large part of Fdi underlined the victory of the Marches and the overtaking of the five stars. But then? If for observers Conte’s government is sufficiently consolidated to aim at the end of the legislature, the opposition – from the strongest parties to Forza Italia despite all the difficulties that Silvio Berluscon is going through – has a duty to organize its political presence in the country.
We need the “party” of governors, their direct participation in the political forces that exist. Because if the last mile is always missing, you need something that has already proven to represent a large part of the national society. It is the leg that is not there yet. At one point there was talk of the moderate part of the coalition. Today we should have the courage to propose political credibility and not just institutional credibility to fifteen important gentlemen who represent a large part of Italy and who are anything but dangerous extremists.
Lega and Fratelli d’Italia, together, and perhaps also Fi, would do well to summon the most authorized protagonists of the territory to their respective governing bodies, regardless of party. Once there were mayors, who gave a push to the tottering left; Today the right is certainly not in those conditions, but it is struggling to establish itself structurally.
Governors should not be called only for the departments “that belong to us”, but to offer them a project from Italy to really build together. Example. A minute after the result of the vote, the center-right said they wanted to propose projects for the recovery fund to Conte. But is it the task of parties or institutions? Go to Palazzo Chigi, leader of the center right, but to remind the prime minister that those 200 billion is not his money. And that the invitations – blackmailers – to the voters of the left to be run by “friendly regions” are valid even if local institutions are on the right by democratic popular will.
Dear Conte, these are the 15 center-right regions that the Constitution asks to contribute to the policies of the Italian Republic. And they have a fair duty to help decide what happens to the European palanche.
From Zaia to Toti, from Cirio to Fontana, from Fedriga to Acquaroli, from Fugatti to Tesei, from Marsilio to Santelli, from Toma to Bardi to Solinas and Musumeci is an impressive list of personalities who represent and govern the Italian people. Together at the time of the election of each one of them, they add more than 8 million votes. The five squires on the left, De Luca and Emiliano, and before that, Zingaretti, Bonaccini and Giani, stop at less than 6 million. It’s not just from 3:00 to 5:00 that Salvini called the other night; It is the actual representation of 59 percent of the Italian people against 41 of the 14 million votes obtained by the governors of all parties. It is the practical demonstration of how minority the executive is now in Palazzo Chigi.
Apart from reducing the regional delegates for the election of the next Head of State…. Open the doors of the three parties to the fifteen of each political force; May they bring within you that spirit of coalition that serves to increasingly root a political offer capable of guaranteeing the freedom and development of all Italians.
The parties will no longer be seen as a leadership capable of surrounding itself in magic circles, but will guarantee Italians that they really want to represent them with those they have chosen in the territories. Of course, some local authorities will have a stomachache, but the good of Italy is more important than an ambition capable of maturing alone without competition …