Workers autonomous, precarious, woman, Young people, students: they are the ones who, always fragile, paid the highest price for one crisis that also hit everyone. And it certainly won’t be the “cousin economy ”, the subsidy policy implemented by the government to solve their condition. Indeed, the widespread shower of bonuses runs the risk of causing a real regression. In short, this is the thesis of the last Censis report on the social situation of the country, 54th, presented today in a live broadcast from Massimiliano Valeri, CEO of Censis, and Giorgio De Rita, general secretary. In essence, the epidemic, writes the research institute, has “torn the veil over ours vulnerability structural “, widening the gap between guaranteed and without warranty. Italians, however, say they are willing to entrust them to the government. decisions about what can or cannot be done, giving up some real guarantees. Almost 80% say they are in favor of close in view of the next vacation and “asks not to loosen or tighten the restrictions.”
Billionaires got rich, crisis hit the weak – Italy remains a country deeply unequal. Let’s start with the data from heritage: 1,496,000 people, 3% of adults, own 34% of the wealth of our country. Forty are billionaires and I am increased both in numbers and assets during the first wave of the pandemic. This while the weakest paid the heaviest bill: the 90.2% of Italians is convinced that the emergency and the closure have harmed the most vulnerable people the most and have expanded the inequalities Social. For him85% of those interviewed, the health crisis confirmed that the true social division occurs between those who have the job security – throughout 3.2 million public employees ei 16 million employees from pension – and the others, those who inhabit a land that the Censis defines as similar to “quicksand”.
53.7% of those employed in small businesses tremble, “for whom the descent into hell of unemployment It’s not a remote event, ”private sector employees tremble even more fixed term and the VAT numbers. Then there is a universe of the so-called “disappeared”, all those who worked in services or in Nero, up to 5 million people “submerged without making noise”. And then again: entrepreneurs sectors in crisis, merchants, craftsmen, professionals remained no receipts. In the world of work autonomous, Only the 23% continued to receive the same income family members before Covid-19.
Two million women are no longer looking for work – The employment crisis is tougher for young people and women: they are 457,000 i jobs held by young people and women and lost by the crisis, while 654,000 self-employed or temporary workers without employment. The sector Hotels and of catering, industry in the strict sense, real estate, professional and business services, commerce, where, however, the loss of work mainly affects adults.
The play female a dramatic front remains. In the second quarter of this year, the total employment rate shows a gap of more than 18 points unfavorable for women. Only 32 out of 100 between 15 and 34 are employed, while one in two women between 25 and 49 with school-age children works. But the most worrying data refers to the number of discouraged: more than two million women (93% of those who could work) have declared that they are willing to work, but are not looking for work. The negative expectation about the possibility of finding work affects the behavior of 862,000 women, 4.8% more than last year. According to the Censis, there is a “certain disaffection towards work and the workplace ”, which increasingly loses its centrality in people’s lives.
14 million Italians took the bonuses – The support measures put in place to support those most affected have involved further 14 million beneficiaries, for an expense of 26,000 million, “as if 2,000 euros had been transferred to a quarter of the population.” About 4 million self-employed workers have had access to the 600 euros, as well as 2.5 million freelancers or members of the separate management of INPS (38 members of INPS funds and 42% of INPS collaborators), which also testifies to the crisis of these workers. Even 1.4 million Merchants, 1.2 million craftsmen and some 300,000 direct farmers were compensated for the loss of income. But how do Italians evaluate the aid? Positively the young, much less the elderly, according to whom the bonuses, which among other things have not received all the headlines, such as extra babysitter cast Holidays – are addictive and debt public. However, only 17.6% of employers believe that the support measures are sufficient, in general 75.4% of Italians are skeptical. The report then highlights a paradox. Although GDP fell 18% in the second quarter, i consumption of families of 19.2%, investments by 22%, exports by 31% (although the rebound in the third quarter cushioned the blow), compared to December 2019 liquid assets of households increased by 41.6 billion (+ 3.9% in six months). In practice, 66% of Italians are prepared for new emergencies by adopting precautionary behaviors or saving money.
Foreign and disabled students, silent victims – Then there are other victims of the crisis who make less noise. They are the beyond 800,000 non-Italian students, who found great difficulty in achieving minimum levels of learning and that, for him interruption of face-to-face teaching, they are the ones most at risk dispersion. too 268,671 students with disabilities or specific learning disabilities (Approximately 276,000) have undergone distance learning. On the other hand, only 11.2% of school leaders respondents said they reached all students, which raised great concern. Both students and executives fear above all that the necessary level of socialization, essential for the happiness and well-being of children.
In this bleak outlook, there are some positives. For example, 87% of citizens said they used one in an emergency. fixed internet connection, considered sufficient (only the 10% complained of lack of bandwidth, so much so that “upgrades” to higher performance connections have been limited). Ultimately, “the network of networks,” says Censis, has withstood an unprecedented increase in traffic. More than 70% of citizens said they have necessary basic skills, even if the older generation is still the most excluded, and up to 43 million old people have stayed in touch with friends and family thanks to the Internet. Another positive aspect, in the dramatic situation, is revealed later years of cuts in public spending, in front of the reorganization of the hospital network and territorial assistance, to which the government has allocated 1,500 million and 1,200 million respectively, with the intensive care places that go from 8.7 per 100,000 inhabitants to 15.3.
An unequal and impoverished country – At the end of 2019, 4,593,400 people, 7.7% of the population (30% foreigners), were in absolute poverty, although the balance was positive compared to the previous year also thanks to the income of the citizens. The crisis has caused the number of people receiving the subsidy to increase by 22.8%, especially foreigners, who, however, continue to penalized by the harsh requirement of ten years of Italian citizenship. But ours is always a country no social mobility, given that 50.3% of young people live in a socioeconomic condition worse than that of their parents, while at the same time the pandemic has also cut the legs of the desire to entrepreneurship: Today only 13% consider it an opportunity to open a shop or a professional studio.
The waiver of real guarantees – Italians declare discouraged both towards community institutions (only 28% of trust) and towards the national government and parliament (only 29% and 26%). Government to which, however, Italians are prepared to entrust decisions about what can or cannot be done, giving up their civil rights for greater security. 77.1% want severe penalties for those who do not wear masks or do not respect distancing, 56.6% even ask for the prison for the infected who are not quarantined. Finally, surprisingly, almost half of Italians, 43.7%, would be in favor of the reintroduction of the death penalty. In short, Italians are more bitter and more skeptical after the crisis. Crisis that, in fact, only one in five considers an experience that will make us better.