Never, like this time, has Tuscany been so close to the tipping point. More than all the other regions going to the vote today, this is the real special watch. In fact, the fate of three political leaders and the entire government could depend on the outcome of these elections.
The governor of Lazio and secretary of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti, is playing the secretary and is betting everything on the usual anti-fascism. “That’s not the point,” he says, ready to blame Italia Viva for a possible defeat. Matteo Renzi, in fact, who owes his entire political career to Tuscany, is losing face for the umpteenth time. “The future of the country passes through Tuscany,” he adds. Lega secretary Matteo Salvini, on the other hand, would pave the way to Palazzo Chigi. But the one who is played the most is Giuseppe Conte, because with the loss of Tuscany, his own armchair would shake.
Many words have been wasted, perhaps even too many. What should have been, in fact, an easy victory, has gradually turned into a trench warfare, in the last seat. The Democratic Party candidate Eugenio Giani, charismatic as a succulent plant, had not counted on the combative MEP Susanna Ceccardi, the first mayor of the Lega in Clay, whose television energy and social familiarity, brought her, after only three years of the administration of Cascina, leaving the Pisan countryside and winning a seat in the Parliament of Strasbourg.
Salvini, and all the center-right, have bet everything, that it is not possible more to the right. A risky move given Ceccardi’s young age (33 years old) and little administrative experience, but one that over the weeks seems to have proved him right. Leaving aside the sometimes crude slogans of the League, the former mayor has already put on his institutional clothing and has finished a solo campaign, avoiding the Emilia-Borgonzoni effect, without the bulky presence of his leader, focusing more on the issues that really interest Tuscans, such as health, infrastructure and employment. He also chose a poster without the colors and symbols of the League: gray background, yellow writing, just to try to catch the undecided, who are many.
The rest was given to him by his opponent. A 61-year-old dinosaur, half of whom is dedicated to politics. Eugenio Giani, ex-socialist (but he likes to say “never Craxiano”), councilor in the Morales and Domenici councils, president of the city council and then regional with Enrico Rossi, is the “silent force”. Even too much. For years it has been grinding kilometers in all the municipalities of Tuscany, participating from congresses to town parties, inaugurating all the inaugurations, an activity that has earned it the nicknames of parsley, cutters, dining rooms.
Still on (local) TV, zero Instagram. The positive side is that everyone knows him. The negative that does not represent the diessin base, distorted by its ideologies.
This was enough to find himself chasing an opponent who was already giving up. The fact is also another: the red fiefdom par excellence, for some time has become rosino, since the left has lost outposts like Pisa, Grosseto, Siena, Arezzo, Pistoia and Massa. Ceccardi, therefore, has an advantage with the sole exception of Livorno, the Ohio of Tuscany, historically red, but always unpredictable as those who live there.
In short, very little is really needed. And that is why the disastrous outgoing governor, Rossi, the only communist still in office, trembles and already speaks of an “earthquake” in case of defeat. Considering how he has ruled for the past decade, much of the credit would go to him alone.