Cdm appoints health commissioner of Zuccatelli Calabria – Ultima Ora


(ANSA) – CATANZARO, 07 NOV – Giuseppe Zuccatelli is the name indicated in the Council of Ministers for the role of the new health commissioner in Calabria. “He is a person of great competence and operational capacity”, underlines the Minister for the South Peppe Provenzano. It will have all the support for the emergency and beyond, giving equal dignity to citizens, compensating for delays and lost rights ”.

“Look, I tested positive and I am ending the quarantine, we will speak in the next few days”, are the only words of Zuccatelli, contacted by ANSA. Zuccatelli takes over from gene.

Saverio Cotticelli, who left office due to the controversy as a result of his interview from which it appears that he did not know that he was responsible for preparing the anti-Covid plan in Calabria.

Zuccatelli, 76, from Cesana, is currently the extraordinary commissioner of the Pugliese Ciaccio hospital in Catanzaro and the Mater Domini university hospital, also in the Calabrian capital. In the past he was also president of Agenas, the national agency for regional health services and has been in Calabria since December last year.