Cavani, Uruguay Language Academy against English FA: “Ignorant!


(ANSA-AFP) – MONTEVIDEO, 01 JAN.- The Academy of the Spanish Language of Uruguay, which for that country is the equivalent of the Accademia della Crusca in Italy, has harshly stigmatized in its document the decision of the Football Association of disqualify Edinson Cavani for three days (plus a hundred thousand pounds fine) for responding with a “Thank you, black!” to a congratulatory message from a friend in an Instagram story. The sentence of the forward of Man United, ex Napoli and Psg, was described by the FA as “offensive, improper and racist”. The apologies from Cavani, who had removed the post, were useless. But now the Linguistic Academy of Uruguay points out in a note that “here the word black and its diminutive negrito, as well as fat (fat ed) and its diminutive gordito, or as skinny (lean ed) are commonly used as a joke or as a sample of affection between friends.In the Spanish that is spoken in Uruguay, for example, we call ourselves that between father and son, or between friends, and it is normal to hear words like chubby, black, black … they necessarily refer to a fat person or dark skinned. ” For this reason, the Academy “strongly” condemns the decision to sanction Cavani, a measure defined as “highly questionable” as a result of “cultural scarcity and poor linguistic knowledge.” That is why the Football Association “has committed a great injustice towards a Uruguayan athlete of the highest level – it is written in the statement -, demonstrating a profound ignorance in the use of languages, and in particular of Spanish, without taking into account the context and different linguistic nuances “. (ANSA-AFP).
