The new Contest of Religion will be held some seventeen years after the first, and so far only, procedure announced in February 2004 in application of Law 186/03, which established the roles for the teaching of the Catholic religion.
It was signed today by the president of the Italian Episcopal Conference, Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, and by the Minister of Education, Lucia azzolina, the Agreement in view of the competition for the coverage of places for the teaching of the Catholic religion, provided for in article 1-bis of Law 159/19.
In the Understanding, signed in videoconference, the CEI explains, it is recalled that “insolvency proceedings are prohibited in compliance of the Agreement for the Revision of the Lateran Concordat stipulated between the Holy See and the Italian Republic on February 18, 1984, ratified by law of March 25, 1985, n. 121 and the Agreement between the President of the Italian Episcopal Conference and the Minister of Education, University and Research signed on June 28, 2012, which was implemented by decree of the President of the Republic on August 20, 2012, n. 175“.
The text recalls that the places prohibited in the only Region for the “The teaching personnel of the Catholic religion, in possession of the recognition of suitability issued by the diocesan Ordinary, who have performed at least three years of service, although not consecutive, in the schools of the national educational system “correspond to the provisions of Article 1 -bis, paragraph 2, of Decree-Law No. 126 of 2019. It is also explained that “the structure, the score and the criteria of the contest tests and the evaluation of the qualifications will be determined by the announcement of the contest, taking note that all candidates already possess diocesan qualification, which is a condition for teaching the Catholic religion“.
By signing the Agreement, Bassetti recalled that “the next competition is an important step not only for the professional stabilization of many teachers, but also for the dignity of teaching itself, still assisted today – thirty-four years after the start of the new election system – by a large majority of students“.
The cardinal then renewed “the esteem and closeness of the Italian bishops to the professors of religion who, with passion and competence, accompany the path of growth of the girls and boys of today“.
“I thank the CEI for the collaboration that has allowed us to reach this agreement – commented Azzolina – which goes in the direction of ensuring, through competence, the realization of the aspirations of religious teachers and, at the same time, the functionality of educational institutions“