By now, at this point, we can call it a habit. Or, if we prefer, his “style signature”, his unmistakable stylistic signature. It had already happened two years ago, in 2019, on the opening night of the Cannes film festival where, even on that occasion, Cate blanchett she had been elected president of the jury of the prestigious film event. The Australian actress, with a very personal choice and open stage applause, decided to wear a beautiful Armani Privé Haute Couture dress, already exhibited 4 years before, on such an important and photographed stage as the one on the red carpet of the Golden Globe.
Cate Blanchett, the recycled dress at the Cannes Film Festival
Obviously, the actress must have considered this experiment auspicious, in a sense so breaking with the rule of “always surprising, at any price” that seems to dominate in Hollywood, so much so that she wanted to replicate it, almost literally, for him. Venice Film Festival opening night, so he is also President of the Jury.
Thus, the divine Cate took out of the closet a sinuous designer dress. Esteban Cortazar from his Spring-Summer 2016 collection, black, shiny and enriched with white ruffles, already abundantly immortalized by photographers at the London premiere of his film Carol, in the distant now Oct 2015.

Outcome? Audiences are still rapt and critics are still raving. Does it take courage, therefore, to wear the same dress (something many of us probably wouldn’t do, I don’t know, for two weddings of dear friends) in two circumstances that are so important in the media? Maybe not. Of course, if you have the style, class, and chrame of Cate Blanchett, everything is a little easier.
All the looks (and our votes) at the 2020 Venice Film Festival