Cassation confirms the sentence –


Fifteen years, five months and twenty days: the Supreme Court confirms the sentence by Edson tavares, the former partner of Gessica Notaro, accused of having it chased and marked with acid. Therefore, the verdict issued by the Bologna Court of Appeal on November 15, 2018 is final. the defense of Tavares, represented by the lawyer Riccardo Luzi.

Gessica’s assailant, her ex-boyfriend, a 32-year-old man of Cape Verdean origin: imprisoned, convicted ofambush under the woman’s house, which took place on January 10, 2017 in Rimini, and for stalking, perpetrated for a long time against the victim. The second instance judges defined acid violence as the plastic representation of a reflective and firm will to punish the victim forever, depriving her not only of her special beauty, but of her own identity, to erase her from the victim’s eyes. nobody, being unable to “own” it himself. The ruling also confirmed the expulsion from Italy of Tavares at the end of his sentence and compensation to the civil parties, that is to say Gessica, defended by the lawyers Fiorenzo and Alberto Alessi and the Mariposa association, which fights against violence against women, represented by the lawyer Elena Fabbri. According to p. Regarding the Picardi Cassation, the judgments on the merits are absolutely coherent and logically articulated with the procedural evidence.

December 15, 2020 (change December 15, 2020 | 14:28)

