Cashback, the Me app and the Office of Apologies not closing. And I pay | Gramellini coffee


The naïve ones who hoped to connect to Io, the app with the narcissistic name with which the state promises to return a tenth of what we will spend on electronic payments, came across a fascinating discovery: in record time our bureaucracy managed to reproduce it on the phone mobile dysfunctions that have made him famous in the world. To access the service you have to register your data, but as soon as you enter the company, an hourglass appears on the screen, a technological version of the employee who said Stay online on the phone, leaving you waiting for hours, and your practice is gone under the arm never to return. Whoever has the moral strength to wait for the hourglass to run without it running out is rewarded with a flourish of delaying phrases, perhaps devised by a group of psychologists who are experts in massive sedatives. Type: A temporary error has occurred, where the emphasis is loaded on that temporary that tastes like eternity, but that serves to steal the disservice in the seasonal ailment, prompting you to try your luck again as in the slot machines.

The Apology Office, the only one that never closes in Italy, blamed the over-filing, which was absolutely unexpected. The same had happened in April, for the 600 euros of the INPS. In fact, in such a wonderful year for the economy, who could have imagined that millions of nababs jumped at the head to queue for some change?

December 8, 2020, 07:09 – modified on December 8, 2020 | 07:10
