Cashback, Bancomat eliminates fees for payments up to 5 euros. Apps move to Spid-free activation
In the IO application, the main gateway to the program, the corresponding section has been created and users can now start the registration procedure by clicking the “Let’s get started” button.
Here, step by step, the guide to know what it is, how to register and how to get refunds on purchases made with electronic money.
Cashback: a refund on purchases with cards and applications
The cashback consists of a refund equivalent to 10% of the expenses made for purchases in stores, bars, large stores, restaurants, supermarkets or in artisans and professionals. The condition to obtain it is that you pay with cards or payment applications.
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by Raffaele Ricciardi
The different cashback periods: we start with the Christmas experimentation
The program includes an experimental period for Christmas expenses, which begins on December 8 and ends on December 31. Three semester periods follow: January 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021; July 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021; January 1, 2022 – June 30, 2022.
The types of refunds and the rules of access.
The program offers two different types of refunds. The first is as a percentage (10%) of the expenses incurred with electronic payment instruments. The second is a fixed amount (1,500 euros) that is paid based on a ranking of the main users of electronic money.
Percentage of cash back (10% of expenses). You can receive it if you make at least ten e-money transactions during the experimental period (December 8-31, 2020) or fifty transactions for each of the next three semesters. There is no minimum amount for transactions, but there is a limit of 150 euros per transaction. Even in the case of higher spending, a maximum refund of 15 euros per transaction will accrue. In any case, the reimbursement is calculated on a maximum value of 1,500 euros per single period. So you can accumulate 15 euros of cashback per transaction and 150 euros in total in a semester. These limits also apply during the Christmas period, but refer to only three weeks.
Supercashback. At the end of each semester (not the Christmas one), a super reimbursement of 1,500 euros is foreseen for the first 100,000 members who in the reference period have totaled the largest number of transactions with electronic money. In the event of a tie, priority will be given to whoever has reached that number of transactions first. At the end of each period, the count is reset. Super Cashbacks can be accumulated: those who have already accumulated one in one semester, can compete again in the following.
Who can join the refund and for what payments
Refunds can only be obtained for purchases made through physical devices in stores. Registration is reserved for adults and residents in Italy. Refunds can be accumulated within a family unit, as long as there is more than 18 years. Registered instruments should only be used for private purchases: excluding those in the context of any commercial activity, art or profession.
As detailed in the extensive IO App FAQ, they are excluded from the program:
- all payments made online (eg e-commerce, etc.);
- all payments made for purchases in the context of any business, art or profession;
- all payments made for purchases from Merchants who do not have an “Affiliate Purchaser” (that is, an electronic payment acceptance network attached to the program);
- all payments for purchases made outside the national territory, including the Republic of San Marino and the Vatican City State;
- operations carried out at ATMs (for example, withdrawals, telephone recharges, etc.);
- bank transfers made through SDD (Sepa Direct Debit), that is, direct debits to checking accounts;
- transactions related to recurring payments, with debit card or checking account;
- Any other transaction that is not included in accordance with Decree No. 156 of November 24, 2020 issued by the Minister of Economy and Finance.
How to sign up for the money back program: IO and other apps
Registration, on a voluntary basis, is done through two channels.
Main access is in the IO app of the digital services of the Public Administration. Therefore, it is necessary to download it to your compatible smartphone or tablet. To access it, identification with Spid is required, the digital identity of citizens offered by numerous providers for free. Alternatively, you can authenticate to IO via electronic identity card.
The data to upload to participate in the program are: the tax code (in the case of access through the IO application, it will be available automatically) the details of the electronic payment instruments that will be used for purchases and the IBAN of your checking account to receive refunds.
Some payment operators (the Affiliate issuer) have developed the possibility of subscribing to the program directly from their systems, thanks to an agreement with PagoPa. The list of affiliate issuers that allow you to sign up for the cash back program without the need for Spid is available on the IO website.
The difference with IO is the possibility in the public App to centralize in one place all the payment methods with which you want to join the program. Here you will find the payment methods that can be saved in the IO wallet.
Active refunds from midnight of the day after registration
Some suggested details during registration: for some types of payment cards you may need the PAN code of the card, to be entered manually. When you register a payment instrument, purchases made with that instrument from 00:01 on the day after activation are counted toward refunds. It can take up to 3 business days for a payment to load to your Cashback profile.
What payment instruments are allowed
- Credit cards;
- debit cards in international circuits and in the PagoBANCOMAT circuit;
- prepaid cards;
- the so-called loyalty cards, or payment cards and applications connected to private circuits and / or limited spending (therefore, excluding points accumulation);
- payment application
- other payment systems, such as Google Pay and Apple Pay (as of 2021).
How refunds arrive
The refund management is in charge of Consap. The money arrives in the IBAN indicated when you register in the program. It is not necessary to enter it in the first record, however it must be indicated before the end of the reference period. The refund for the Christmas refund is expected in February 2021. Subsequent refunds will arrive within 60 days after the end of the reference semester.
Edited by Raffaele Ricciardi