At quarter past three tonight, my ordeal with the Io application ended, which began on December 7, to enter the beneficiaries of the cashback. When it happens that you manage to enter your credit card details, after having already delivered the IBAN of the account to the State, it also takes a bit of alienation. But couldn’t I sleep? Deep down, but deep down, you wonder why you did it. If all goes well with tracking everything I have in February, you can get 150 euros, not an injection of life.
The answer (not to me) should be given by Conte and followed by other more thoughtful politicians, as well as sociologists, psychologists, mass medologists. Maybe because we like lotteries, maybe because now, thanks to the pandemic, we are always online, we organize our lives, we order the purchases, we listen to cooking recipes, we seek medical answers, we read on the web, we cannot move anyway. Perhaps it is also that we are sick and that we need 150 euros. Let’s say it is, because the pockets of Italians are empty. So why, for one of the few possibilities, among other things, of eroding tax evasion a bit by forcing members to make payments that are all traceable, did the state administration find itself, once again, unprepared, absurdly inappropriate?
Another hole in the water in the narrative of those who hoped that the pandemic could change everything a little for the better. The start of the day of Click Inps (a failure) did not help. There were also other platforms, but let’s stick with the main one, me, the State. Of which we had no surprises, unfortunately. Hours and hours with the phone in hand to repeat the procedure and to read the message try again, temporary error. We could have used the time better and the temptation to say, if they kept this money (which is always our money), after all, there always was. But outside it was raining and so, between a book and a chat, why not keep trying? In vain, with critical times between 13 and 16, less critical, but equally useless between 16 and 18, very critical throughout the night until 24. Then I do not know, if not the beginning of the night very deep with a dream that never it was profound for diurnal digital degradation.
Finally, with just one turn of the hourglass, I hit the mark. But the digital bureaucratic mechanism will not kick in before 24 hours. Why, if the paper and account verification was done immediately? So today I shouldn’t spend or should postpone any payments after postponing the cashback entry through no fault of my own, with Palazzo Chigi telling us yesterday at seven in the afternoon, problems solved, “in two or three clicks” the cards are loaded “From tomorrow one click will be enough.” Yes, yes, one click, of course …
The term of the ten payments on which to calculate the 10% that the State will have to give, scheduled for December 31, should be moved to January 6, the Befana, because there are several million of us who have wasted time in vain in the party and others are trying even now, with the same problems as yesterday. Without anyone having publicly apologized for all this.