MILAN – The second phase of the refund begins today. The Christmas experimentation, with refunds of up to 150 euros, ended on December 31 and the figures published at the end of the year by Palazzo Chigi, updated on the morning of December 30, therefore still subject to a small upward adjustment, they are very positive.
Since the program’s inception, more than 5.79 million citizens have signed up and registered around 9.6 million payment instruments, including ATMs, credit cards, and other digital channels. The mass of transactions completed in the time period of the experiment is also impressive, just over 20 days. According to data published by the government: more than 49.6 million transactions have been processed, already acquired by the system and visible by participants, with a “potential” cashback accumulated by participants of 198.4 million euros.
Palazzo Chigi speaks of “potential” cashback because in order to accumulate the right to collect refunds it was necessary to complete at least ten transactions before the end of the year, so not all expenses incurred will result in a refund. On the other hand, if we consider the “effective” cashback, that is, of those who will get the refund with certainty because they have already exceeded the threshold of ten transactions, the total amount is 157 million euros.
Cashback: those who pay with the card will have up to 150 euros each semester
by Flavio Bini, Raffaele Ricciardi

Figures that, except for a sudden rebound on the last day of the year, remain at a safe distance from the 227 million euros allocated by the government to trials. Therefore, it will not be necessary to resort to an emergency refinancing or, as the law would have provided, proportionally reduce returns based on the resources available. Refunds that, again according to what the Mef decree indicates, must arrive in February at the Iban provided at the time of registration.
Cashback, which changes from January 1
Starting today, as mentioned, phase two begins. The rules remain the same as for the Christmas experimentation and a new registration in the IO application is not necessary, nor a new insertion of the payment instruments or the Iban. The principle remains that for every expense made with digital payments, you will be entitled to a 10% refund. Reimbursement that cannot exceed 15 euros per one-time expense and that, overall, in a period of six months, cannot exceed 150 euros.
There are two main changes in the new window. The first refers to the number of minimum transactions that must be carried out to earn the right to refunds. There were ten in this experiment and when they are in full operation, that is, from January to June, they will become 50. If fewer are carried out, no refunds will be charged.
Receipt lottery postponed to February, more time to update cash registers
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Super cashback, what it is and how it works
The second and most important novelty of this new phase is the super cashback. Along with the current reimbursement of up to 150 euros, the 100,000 citizens who carry out the largest number of transactions, regardless of the amount, will be entitled to an extra premium of 1,500 euros. As mentioned, the number of payments counts; therefore, for ranking purposes, buying a PC is worth exactly the same as paying for a coffee at the bar. In the IO application it will also be possible to see the positioning in the ranking, to know how close you are to a “quota” of 100,000.