Cashback and lottery receipts for health expenses also with deduction at 730?


The cashback, called the Christmas bonus, allows you to receive a credit of up to 150 euros for expenses incurred in December 2020. The amount will be paid at the beginning of February directly to the checking account or credit card indicated in the IO APP. There are many doubts about this measure and the receipt lottery and, above all, what purchases can be made. Have we received many requests about the possibility of using the cashback and receipt lottery for health care expenses even with a 730 deduction? Also, if possible with the same receipt, participate in the cashback and receipt lottery. ProiezherediBorsa experts answer these questions by analyzing the legislation.

Cashback and refund of around 150 euros for the month of December 2020

Starting tomorrow, December 8, the Nataleao cashback or bonus will begin in experimental mode, which will reimburse consumers about 150 euros for purchases made in December through electronic payments. Meanwhile, the decree implementing the reimbursement has been published in the Official Gazette, which provides that the measure will be fully operational as of January 1, 2021.

Smart watch

The law establishes that the consumer can receive a 10% refund by paying with electronic systems, exclusively in physical stores. The legislation has excluded online purchases.

To obtain the refund corresponding to the month of December 2020, as of December 8 it will be necessary to carry out at least 10 cashless transactions up to a maximum of 1,500 euros of expense.

Reimbursement and lottery of receipts for health expenses even with deduction in 730?

To participate in the cashback, all purchases made in the national territory with electronic payment are valid. Electronic payment establishes that the POS is activated at the time of refund. This means that, for example, the POS must be equipped with affiliated Buyers that allow them to participate in the promotion.

Therefore, before making a payment, it is advisable to check if the merchant uses a collection system that allows participation in cashback. Purchases made with Pagobancomat are always valid regardless of the device used for acceptance.

All expenses incurred with trackable payment without product limits are allowed. Therefore, they include: food, clothing, bars, restaurants, household appliances, medical expenses, visits to specialists, professional expenses, plumbers, etc.

The refund and the receipt lottery, which will take effect from January 2021, are compatible with each other.

Clarifications from the Tax Agency

In response to the question: Reimbursement and lottery of receipts for health expenses even with deduction in 730?

The Tax Agency, referring to the lottery of receipts, specified that health expenses (purchase of medicines, expenses of specialists, etc.) can be included in the draw, with one condition: at the time of payment of electricity no presents. the tax code. This, therefore, excludes the possibility of obtaining the tax deduction at 730.

On the other hand, in terms of cashback, there is no news in this regard either from the Tax Agency or the decree.
