Cash back program begins, UK vaccinations begin


The Covid-19 emergency continues in Italy and in the world. In our country, according to the latest bulletin from the Ministry of Health, 13,720 new cases of the 111,217 smears performed were registered, for a total of 1,742,557 infections since the start of the health emergency. the Speed positivity therefore, it rose to 12.3%. The number of dead: 528 in 24 hours. Intensive care admissions are declining, while ordinary admissions are increasing. Lombardy continues to be the region with the highest daily increase in new infections – here is the breakdown at the territorial level:

Lombardy: +1.562

Piedmont: +991

Campania: +1,060

Veneto: + 2,550

Emilia Romagna: +1,891

Lazio: +1.372

Tuscany: + 593

Sicily: +918

Liguria: +128

Apulia: +1.001

Walk: + 145

Abruzzo: +124

Friuli Venezia Giulia: +356

Umbria: + 56

PA Bolzano: +155

Sardinia: +366

PA Trento: +165

Calabria: +175

Aosta Valley: +22

Basilicata: +106

Molise: +52

And as we get closer to the holidays of Christmas, the government is working hard on Recovery fund. Today a new Cdm is planned on Plan Italia. Yesterday’s summit was interrupted after the Minister of the Interior, Luciana Lamorgese, I knew it was positive for the coronavirus. It is asymptomatic. The Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, was also subjected to a swab. The so-called cashless incentive program also starts today Refund of money. There is already a boom in system registrations that for the December start-up phase offers a 10% refund (up to a maximum of 150 euros) for all purchases made with electronic payments in physical stores.

Meanwhile, coronavirus infections in the world have reached 67,592,458, with the United States ranking first by number of infections. The deaths are 1,544,543. In United Kingdom the great campaign of vaccination against Covid: the first doses of Pfizer / BioNtech vaccine, After the arrival of the approval in recent days by the regulatory agency MHRA, the first 800 thousand people identified will be administered in 50 hospitals, including more than 80, guests and employees of RSA and health personnel.
