The Rome Prosecutor’s Office is moving forward and is ready to close the investigation against five members of the Egyptian secret services accused of the kidnapping of Giulio Regeni. This was reported today by the prosecutor Michele Prestipino to the Attorney General of Egypt, Hamada al Sawi, during a meeting held by videoconference. “The Egyptian attorney general – it is said in a joint note – when taking note of the conclusion of the Italian preliminary inquiries, expresses reservations about the soundness of the evidentiary framework that he believes consists of insufficient evidence to support the accusation in court. In this case, the Attorney General of Egypt respects the decisions that the Roman prosecutor will make, in his autonomy. “
After five years, “the Egyptian Prosecutor believes that the perpetrator of the murder of Giulio Regeni is still unknown.” This is what is stated in a joint note between the judicial offices of Egypt and Italy.
Regeni case, Renzi in the investigation commission: “I’m sorry, they didn’t notify me until January 31 of Giulio’s kidnapping”
by Giuliano Foschini

Prosecutor Hamada al Sawi said that he “had gathered sufficient evidence against a criminal gang accused of aggravated robbery of Regeni’s belongings that were found in the home of one of the gang members.”
Regeni, the new witnesses: “We saw him in Cairo at barracks 007”
by Giuliano Foschini

For the Egyptian high magistrate “The investigations have found that the same gang had already carried out similar acts to the detriment of foreign citizens, including another Italian citizen and some testimonies acquired have consolidated the evidentiary framework. In addition, the modus operandi of the gang – it is said in the note- it is characterized by the use of falsified documents belonging to the police forces. The Attorney General of Egypt explained that for these reasons it will proceed against him with the provisional closure of the investigations, instructing the competent investigators to undertake all the necessary measures to identify the perpetrators of the murder. The Rome Prosecutor’s Office takes note of the decision of the Egyptian Attorney General, “the note concludes.
Regeni’s parents: “From Egypt he suffered abuses and injuries”
“We take note of the umpteenth unsuccessful meeting between the two prosecutors. The paths between the two prosecutors have never been so divided – Paola and Claudio Regeni and lawyer Alessandra Ballerini say in a note. In recent years we have suffered injuries and abuses of all kinds on the Egyptian side, they kidnapped, tortured and killed a son, threw mud at him and discredited him, lied, insulted and deceived not only us but the whole country.
Today the Egyptian prosecutors had the audacity to ‘make reservations’ about the work of our magistrates and investigators and consider that the evidence gathered was insufficient. We believe that our government should take note of this latest slap in the face and immediately call the ambassador. “.
Regeni, Renzi: “No to the withdrawal of the Egyptian ambassador, better to send a special envoy”

“An absolute lack of respect not only towards our judiciary but also towards our intelligence. Not only do they not respond – it is said – to the requests and cannot provide five addresses, but they even allow themselves to judge the evidentiary framework outlined by ours. proxy, insisting on giving us the old bloodthirsty deviation of the 5 thieves who cost the lives of innocent people who posed as Giulio’s murderers ”. For the parents of the Italian researcher “a sign of dignity is needed so that no country can inflict all the evil in the world on a citizen and remain not only unpunished but also a friend. We owe it to Giulio and all the Julian who still await the truth “. and justice. “
“If on the one hand we appreciate – continues the note – the resolute determination of our prosecutors who were able to conclude the investigations, without being weakened or confused by the numerous diversion attempts, by the endless delays and by the lack of Egyptian responses, on the other hand We cannot stigmatize once again the constant and flagrant absence of collaboration on the part of the regime that continues without responding to the request of April 29, 2019 and did not even want to provide the choice of domicile of the 5 National Security officials registered in the list of suspects. two years ago. ”